Other hurt my back while riding

Went out for a ride tonight and had a bit of a sore back when I started out. After riding and jumping a couple of good boat wakes I started hurting. So I stopped and ate a sandwich, went ojt again and was hurtin so I was just cruisin around hit one more wake and did a 180 and thought I had judt driven a nail into my spine. When I got back to my jeep I was hurtin so bad I couldn't take mo re than three steps without stoping from the pain shooting down my legs and in my back. Hurtin like hell right now debating goin to work as of right now. Anybody got a y deas what I may have done?
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Where in ur back hurts? I jammed my lower vertebrae hittin a boat wake at a free ride last year and felt about the same way, could barely move, and still bothers me today I suggest u should probably go to a chiropractor in the morning it helped me anyway


straight cash homie
I compressed my tail bone and hurt like hell. Pain shot down my leg. Kinda like what your saying. Ibuprofen took the edge off the pain but I ended up going to the ciropractor and having them set my lower back. Now I go back evey once in a while and I'm good.
Its all in my lower back my square is not the most comfortable ski to ride but I just didn't feel right tonight and pushed it when I should have taken it to the house guess this is the price you pay


sqeez bth levrs & lean bk
Site Supporter
If ur getting radiating pain down ur back and rear of legs ur getting nerve compression symptoms. Seriously. I doubt ur harmed for life, but u may b aggravating something that was impending anyway. You can have simple nerve compression brought on by body positioning (think lifting with ur back like old fat guys do) or you can have congenital narrowing of the foramen where ur nerve roots exit the spine and its just a matter of time before this reared its head...or you can a bulging disc causing the compression. Riding skis puts on a lot of mid and low back strain. More than likely you have sciatic nerve involvement too if its shooting down the backs of ur legs. I would baby the hell out of it tonight and several more days if u can. If u r not allergic to NSAIDs (ibuprofen, naproxen...) I would dose myself with 600-800 mg every 8 hours x 24 hours with minimal physical strain on back. Drink ample amounts of water with that kind of NSAID dosing as ur kidneys are forced to deal with the metabolic by-products and the water will help by not only flushing the metabolizes but also aid in the delivery of the meds to ur periphery. U can go to work if ur pain allows, but if ur work involves physical labor then don't go. Ur back will pay the price. If it continues to be as severe after a full 24 hours of meds and taking it easy then go see a md. Sleep with ur feet elevated so that the strain is off ur lower back. Try 2-3 pillows under ur knees in bed or sleep on the floor and put calves up to ur knees on a couch or ottoman.
Decided to go ahead and go to the doctor this morning , think this whole thing was combination of pulling engine out of my blaster and leani g over a turbo subaru pulling intake yesterday. Hopefully its nothin major wrong.
Doc says it was just the muscles in my lower back. Still sore as hell but I can walk for the most part and now I have a few days off to relax and take it easy


sqeez bth levrs & lean bk
Site Supporter
Good news man. Back issues are no joke and u sure dont want to ignore them and press on...making issues worse. R&R for u brother.


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Don't lay around toomuch. Working out is beneficial to lower back issues. I have lower back issues myself, but the gym always helps. Stretch those muscles out and keep good posture, especially when sleeping.


Be Rad, Stay Rad
Henderson, NV
I work for a chiropractor. Sounds like a bulging disc in the lower back that is pushing on the nerves, causing the shooting pain(and potentially numbness, burning, and tingling) but sometimes muscles in the lower back do that as well. Lots of ice will help as well for the inflammation. I'd say if the problem persists, or gets worse I'd look into doing non-surgical spinal decompression(that's what we offer in my office). It will help the bulging disc go back to its proper position and eliminate the pain. Just have to take about 6-8 weeks off of skis normally and you'll be good as new. If you want more info pm or I can post a link about it.
Compression fractures are common in impact sports like mx riders and our sport. This results in pressure on the nerves due to swelling. Back pain asociated with tingling, numbness and pain as well as loss strengh must be considered serious. An easy way to diagnose this is to put your feet together, stand straight and lift yourself onto your toes one foot at a time. Any difficulty doing this indicates a serious injury and could result in paralysis eventually. Get to your doctor... insist that a scan is done. Back injuries can be prevented by strengthening the abdominal muscles and back as well. Overweight peopal are prone to chronic back pain so lose those inches.. you will be amazed what a difference it does.

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I had x rays done the next day and they said all looked good just strained some muscles in my lw backand lucky me I'm skinny so I don't have to worry about weight causing any issues. Think it would be a bad idea to steetch out on my inversion table?


sqeez bth levrs & lean bk
Site Supporter
X-rays don't diagnose soft tissue injuries. Inversion tables are fine but dont strain urself getting on it. Go easy man. Once u end up down the road of fooling with ur back (chiropractors or surgeons) its a lifelong issue. Try core strengthening and message...and best of all common sense. When it hurts, rest it.


Team Cheeseburger
X-rays don't diagnose soft tissue injuries. Inversion tables are fine but dont strain urself getting on it. Go easy man. Once u end up down the road of fooling with ur back (chiropractors or surgeons) its a lifelong issue. Try core strengthening and message...and best of all common sense. When it hurts, rest it.

I've had back problems since 15... so 12 years so far. Last time it acted up it was super painful just to roll out of bed. Like take your breath away painful.

Anyways, If it doesn't improve I would see a highly skilled / recommended chiropractor once ... then let the rest slide back into place over time.
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Did you say Back Spams? OMFG!
I had the same thing happened to me as the OP.
Worked around the house doing stuff (obviously got sore) then went out riding (add more strain)
The next day I could not get out of bed, seriously, it had never happened to me before.
Once I got out of bed, I could not walk as usual. I had to do little steps at a time, like an old man.
THEN.....the spams would hit......Jesus effing Christ!
I had never experienced such excruciating PAIN. Pain that would bring me to my knees.
The back muscle would contract, it feels just like a "Charlie Horse" but in your back....
And there is NOTHING I could do about it....NOTHING BUT TAKE THE PAIN.
The spams would get trigger from anything.....simply reaching over to grab a spoon.....AAAAAAAARRRRRGGGG!
I did the tour with the Doctor and they confirmed it was a Strained muscle.
The whole thing lasted about 3 weeks with the Pain and spams going away.....SLOWLY.
It was HORRIBLE.....seriously, and I DO LISTEN to my body now.
When I go Jet skiing, I don't do anything physical prior so my body is ready for it.

Yeah.....what a drag it is getting old!


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I started to get a sore lower back last year after a weekend of wave jumping. Figured it was the constant shock to ny lower back.

Got an inversion table and it seemed to help a lot.

Last Saturday I jumped a wave, came down and felt a pinch in my lower back. The next morning I couldn't move. I went on the inversion table and when I came upright again it felt like a rubber band popped and then I couldnt bend over to release my feet.

Eventually a half hour later I was able to get out and then crawl up the stairs and into bed. It felt like my lower body was detached from my upper body. Any movement felt like a knife in my lower back.

I stretched all week and laid on this foam noodle type thing. Today it's almost completely better and I should be able to gently ski this weekend.
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