Hydro trailer

I just got a hydro trailer, but it dose not have the front hitch bar. Price was right .. free . But dose anyone know where I could get one ? I'm thinking about trying to fab one up . But just got it haven't put a whe lot of thought into it yet. But maybe someone can't point t me in the right direction.


Urban redneck
You mean the bar that connects from the trailer to the hitch that mounts on the ski?
I don't know where to get one no, but fabbing one might not be too hard.
Yes , didn't get the tow hitch bar. Couldn't pass it up $100 smoking deal . I've been looking at pictures, but trying to figure out dimensions of what it's supposed to be. I can make something work . But is it right ? I guess if it works that's the main thing . But want it to look good too.
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