hydrospace vid


I forgot!
the guy i talked to about his said it was 400lbs+, he had a chip for his and he also was running a bag of ice on his intercooler or heat exchanger or something. not sure about top speed but after the first corner along the back straight he started pulling away from the group and they never caught up.


I forgot!
4-stroke motor that is big, complex, and turbocharged. more electronics too, you can hookup a laptop to it. nice race machine from what i seen up close and on the course. there was an octane that pulled the holeshot but like i said that was only to the first buoy then the hydrospace took over. cool ski just not something i would want. i would have like to try it out if the guy offered.


having a laptop hookup would be awesome. same concept as with performance cars. you can hook up a laptop up to your car and see what psi you were at at whatever rpm you want, change fuel timing, injector pulse, all kinds of cool stuff. we have a guy here in boise who is incredibly good at tuning, he does talons and evo's but if i had the money for a HS i might just give it to him to tune. lol.

here's a vid of his talon. this is his 2006 setup, at the end there is a preview of what he ran all this year. the dyno section of the vid is a FWD dyno only, the talons can be easily be converted from AWD to FWD and this car is nuts, putting out over 600 AWHP. ok, enough talk, here's the vid.

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