hyper mod section....


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at peace
the fuel goes in through the transfers, matt. it really IS "amazing", isn't it.

I wasn't dogging you! I am amazed, is all!

You must have been flowing gallons through there if it filled up to the point of locking and not running out the exhaust port.

What RPM?

And what happened to the rods?
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the WaTeRhAwK

fryin' up a/m electrics..
so you're saying that you used regular old 1/16 to 1/8 drill bits to drill out the jets and then the sun temp would make the ski go lean?

how do you so precisely drill those holes with no jets?

on the regular Bn 38's just past the enclosures get drilled. the 0.6 "plug" is removed and drilled out, you have to enlarge the throat holes as well. the holes are as "precise" as you are with the tool..lol

throttle response is comparable to a gun going off. basically, regardless of curve you have a "light switch" motor. there pretty much is no curve.

the WaTeRhAwK

fryin' up a/m electrics..
I wasn't dogging you! I am amazed, is all!

You must have been flowing gallons through there if it filled up to the point of locking and not running out the exhaust port.

What RPM?

And what happened to the rods?

it doesn't fill up the cases, it just collects in the chamber due to extremely high rpms and no fire to keep it burned off before it locks. it all happens very quickly, from the time of foul to being done. some of it does run out the exhaust port, but it's not enough to drain it off in time to keep it from locking. the rod is usually bent or broken in half, or broken sticking out the side of the cased locked up against the starter, studs ripped out of the cases and/or cylinder. these little 440/550 engines can top out around 11,000 without flying apart, but that's not a sustained rpm, either. they will definitely exceed their harmonic frequency at a sustained setting that high, but that's much more centrifugal force than a 650 or larger crank can handle without flying apart.

that's nothing, I've seen the things just plain melt to a solid chunk of crap due to a lack of alcohol. I've actually seen people do that from time to time...lol(that's really not very funny.)


steals hub caps from cars
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at peace
Tell me more about harmonic frequency, please.

I have also seen certain threa, errr things melt into solid chunks of crap.


Livin the generation gap
ketchikan alaska
the fuel goes in through the transfers, matt. It really is "amazing", isn't it. :rolleyes:

When you run enough alcohol in a nitro setup to keep it cool, you're not running traditional jets. We throw those away, and drill out the enclosures to 1/16th or 1/8th inch. There is a "ton" (by comparison) of liquid fuel going in and up through the transfers. They're so sensitive that the sun can go down, changing the atmospheric temperature and make it run too lean. These aren't your "typical" setups, matt. Get that out of your head now...lol

anyway, the problem with nitro/alcohol setups is that when they're running extremely high rpms it's difficult to tell when you're only running on one cyl, and by the time you figure it out it's too late.

No sleepy, and no huffy here...lol

oh boy ?
I am going to bet this thread will make probably 55 post's before anyone gives up lol
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the WaTeRhAwK

fryin' up a/m electrics..
Tell me more about harmonic frequency, please.

I have also seen certain threa, errr things melt into solid chunks of crap.

harmonic frequency limits. it is the actual rate of movement that a composed apparatus can handle without decomposing. when it exceeds those limits, it's done.
on the regular Bn 38's just past the enclosures get drilled. the 0.6 "plug" is removed and drilled out, you have to enlarge the throat holes as well. the holes are as "precise" as you are with the tool..lol

1/16" or 1/8"?

those are very precise fractions your throwing at us.

maybe you shouldve used super BNs since they have removable jets..... but then the following settings would be useless:

15/16 of a turn on the top
1 and 1/8 on the middle

1 and 5/16 on the bottom

the WaTeRhAwK

fryin' up a/m electrics..
super bn's weren't out at the time we were doing those mods, matt. however, you are correct, the mods to the carbs would've been more concise, but the throttle bodies would need to be drilled, regardless. the bn carbs worked just fine. 1/16th to 1/8th holes were drilled depending on what nitro percentage mixture you were going to run. the 1/16 holes didn't allow enough of both fuels to get enough cooling from the alcohol, so when we got up to 1/8th the low rpms would allow too much fluid, and usually hydrolock one of the cylinders if you didn't keep it hammered. lot's of fun.


steals hub caps from cars
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at peace
Today's Lameys and other big power engines probably wouldn't hold a candle to those old school nitro gizmos, eh?
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