I am the high bidder!

This ad just made me not buy a wcf hood kit. what a rip off. He wants 22,500 on his web sight and now he willing to drop the price for 6500.00 .either hurting to sell it or ripping someone off.:rolleyes:

he probably just dropped the price. that's what you do to move a product. supernice guy...premium product. 18 or 22 grand i am sure it's worth every penny.
This ad just made me not buy a wcf hood kit. what a rip off. He wants 22,500 on his web sight and now he willing to drop the price for 6500.00 .either hurting to sell it or ripping someone off.:rolleyes:

damn you got a serious problem. first you go crapping on my for sale price then you start crapping on a ski and a company that you obviously know nothing about. he obviously has not updated his website and how dare he put a lower buy it now price on ebay. :rolleyes: :cool2: :banghead:

Abput your ski. i guess your keepeing it youll never see 5500. You have the same ski everyone else wants to sell .were going on 2008 you have a 5 year old ski. it may look nice but not 5500.get luck with not selling it:biggthumpup:
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This ad just made me not buy a wcf hood kit. what a rip off. He wants 22,500 on his web sight and now he willing to drop the price for 6500.00 .either hurting to sell it or ripping someone off.:rolleyes:

i for one agree 110% i mean seriously who the hell does this guy tjink he is selling his product on the interweb for whatever the hell price he wants to sell it for?


Yes, my balls tickled from that landing
Charlotte, NC
its his stuff, he can to what ever the hell he wonts with it...

like giving it to me for free /me wishes
damn you got a serious problem. first you go crapping on my for sale price then you start crapping on a ski and a company that you obviously know nothing about. he obviously has not updated his website and how dare he put a lower buy it now price on ebay. :rolleyes: :cool2: :banghead:

Just calling it like i see it. Try putting your ski on ebay with no reserve and well see what your ski is really worth.Not trying to be a d%$K but your asking way to much thats why i said good luck on not sailing it. As far as wcf with all the negative comments hes made lately and then asking 22,000 for a ski with a stock stroke lamey used mag pump and used total loss. Its a hand laid hull yes it looks nice but its not carbon explaine to me how he thinks its worth 22000?Im going to buy a wdc hood. :woot: :woot:

Big Kahuna

Tuscaloosa, AL
Like This

Pro Level Freestyle SKI with AM Hull

Hull $7,000.00
Hood $800.00
Pole $500.00
Bracket $125.00
Steering $150.00
Intake Grate $100.00
Ride Plate $180.00
Pump $1,500.00
Impellor $250.00
Trim System $850.00
Drive Shaft $500.00
Intermediate Shaft $350.00
Couplers $150.00
Coupler Cover $35.00
Bed Plates $100.00
Cases $400.00
Lamey Cylinders $1,500.00
Crank $1,500.00
Pistons $250.00
Head $400.00
Pipe $700.00
Carbs/Intake $2,500.00
Flame arrestors $110.00
MSD TL $1,200.00
Gas Tank $75.00
Battery $75.00
Battery Tray $35.00
Electrical Components $100.00
Steering Cable $100.00
Start Stop Switch $100.00
UMI Steering $150.00
Bars $35.00
Chin Pad $150.00
Hydroturf $60.00
Throttle Cable $75.00
Grips $30.00
Footholds $140.00
Scupper (2) $150.00
Misc Hardware $400.00
Motormounts $160.00
Finger Throttle $65.00

Machine Work:
Porting $400.00
Case Modification $400.00
Pipe/manifold Modification $200.00
Motor Assembly $300.00

Motor $200.00
Install Total Loss & Setup $250.00
Misc (Cable, hoses, etc) $150.00
hydroturf $300.00
handlepole & Steering $100.00
pump $150.00
Paint $2,500.00
Tuning $300.00

Total. $28,300.00
Now Deduct depreciation -$11,320.00 (45%)

Asking Price on Ebay $16980.00

That price is not very far off the mark, and also consider if I am not mistaken that is not the boat that Steve normally rides, he usually rides "Whitey"
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