I could do that, but I don't want too!

Yeah, I have almost figured out how to do that trick in the middle. I call it the death-defying 90 degree; others just call it a left turn. :splatt:

Waste Land

Non Multa Sed Multum
Florence, AL
Maybe it is just me, but routines like that are not very entertaining :sour: It was cool but needs more flavor to it IMO

Dont say that.....people get pissed and go "OMFG you do betta.....durhhhhh"

I'll agree.....bad ass riders, bad ass skills......can only see 2 runs and its boring.

Hell the entire surf comp from 2002 ocean side is online somewhere....i made it through one video, the only guys they kept me going were flat water riders doing some big spring monkeys in surf.....way ballzy
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