I couldn't possibly be more proud!!!


Converted Coucher
Hoboken, NJ
Well, after breaking up with my fiancee earlier this year I've enjoyed the time to myself (aka doing my own thing including a lot of jet skiing). However, I started dating a girl about 2 months ago. We both had the day off today so I decided to take her up to the lake. She's never jet skied before, not even on a couch. I figured she would spend a few minutes on the standup, decide its not for her and she'd sit on the beach while I rode. Not quite...

I gave her a brief intro showing her how to kneel in the tray, telling her that was her "zone for the day". She tried it out and had no problems with it (she had great balance). Next thing I know she wants to take it out past the no-wake bouys. So I walk out on the doc and let her head out there. After about 5 minutes of riding she comes back and says I look bored. So I said, "if you're having fun, I'll grab the other ski and join you." The grin on her face was priceless.

She rode that thing like a champ for the next 2 hours. I kid you not. She was standing in about 10 minutes and doing great turns in about 30. I barely got to ride the 750 today. I spent the day on the X2 watching her amaze me with this immediate skill.

A proud moment was when she said, "this is freakin fun - now I know why you love it so much!" A prouder moment was when a big boat went by and she went to jump its wake. The proudest moment was when she said, "can we do this again tomorrow?"

She's a keeper! :cheer:


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Converted Coucher
Hoboken, NJ
Might be up there tomorrow (she is pretty bruised up but says she wants to go again). I'll be away this weekend so I won't be up there.

Demolition_X - weekdays are tough (I had this week off because I was supposed to close on my condo but it got delayed). I'll email ya when I have a free weekend and you can show me Budd Lake.


Just SJBri = no more XP
Northern, NJ
demolition_x said:
yea keeeepher....

when we gonna do some riding?

i want to go out one day this weekend if your in.
You're up in the hills too? I might be up on the lake at roughly 3:00 tommorow, definately will be there on the weekend. Just look for the stick figure riding a Blowsion SN


Converted Coucher
Hoboken, NJ
Demo_X is from Long Valley I believe. Western Morris County - lake Hopatcong is central to us.

Will probably be gone by 3 tomorrow. But if we're there just look for the girl falling into the water from a blue ski and a guy on an X2 laughing!!!


Not After Fame & Fortune
yea i think bud lake is only gonna be reserved for after work.
i had a really messed up sinus infection thing the day after i rode at budd lake.

might be at hopatcong this weekend. since not allowed at budd.

SJ/XPBri where you ride at mostly.... i hate riding by myself.


Just SJBri = no more XP
Northern, NJ
Mainly Greenwood Lake, and Upper Greenwood (friend has a house there), When time allows I usually try to get down to LBI. I have been down to Hopatcong many times, either Greenwood or Hopatcong are about 25 minutes away from me.


Converted Coucher
Hoboken, NJ
Update: 11:20pm. I receive a text message from her: "Don't think I can make it to the lake tomorrow. I can barely walk!"

:haha: :Banane09: :headbang:

Waste Land

Non Multa Sed Multum
Florence, AL
Girls ALWAYS start off better then guys....i swear

My cousin stood up and turned her first time with about 30 seconds of tray time

My girlfriend learned to ride on my freestyle ski with ease and its a real bitch to ride unless your use to the setup. She got her own stock 650 a few weeks ago.....She's alreayd draggin ass around turns and trying jumps....also riding the hood both forwards and backwards....Shes my baby!


Converted Coucher
Hoboken, NJ
Haha, I wrote her back and said its ok if she can't make it. She writes back, "I am applying heat and ice so its hopefully better by morning."

She's hooked!


South Jersey
i dont know what looks better that ski or the driver, glad for the both, that ski broke alot of riders into the sport when i had her, seems to keep on giving, the boys up here are planning on coming down to the jersy shore, ill pm you when we do


Waste Land said:
Girls ALWAYS start off better then guys....i swear

No joke! I let my brother in law try my old 650sx and he could not even ride on his knees w/o falling off. My sister took off and was standing up in like 5 minutes.......a litttle shakey in the turns but she was doing it.
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