I don't know these Carb


Precipitation Hardened
@zzylstra is correct in that they're Red Top carbs, but they had nothing to do with Riva. They (Red Tops) were a separate company and went out of business roughly 15 years ago.

Nearly all of the annular discharge carbs are a copy of Jack Green / Green Racing carbs. Green carbs were decent to tune, albeit not great, but nearly all of the remaining annular carbs have proven to be challenging to tune. Jack had some internal tricks that the rest failed to copy. I believe the closest is probably a Blackjack carb from Jetworks.
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Precipitation Hardened
Neither have I. However, I used to sell Red Tops 20 years ago and had to walk nearly every buyer through tuning over the phone before the Internet was what it is today. I probably sold around 100 sets, plus I sold Greens, Novi, Riva Powerbomb, stock Mikuni, etc. If you know or learn how to tune them, sure, it's less of an issue or not an issue at all. But, for the average person they're a challenge compared to unmodified carbs or other carbs on the market. ;)

Keep in mind that I'm also considering the effects of long top-end runs, race conditions, stand-up and runabout hulls, signal strength (or lack thereof) at part-throttle/full-throttle, G-force in turns, and so on. Tuning them just to blip off a jump is far easier than making sure they won't grenade a motor under stress and when running buoys.

I'd still take a handful of other carbs before an annular discharge design. But, that's me personally.
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I got a pair of true cad designs red top 46s here. silver since they are 46s. the true cad designs logo is only on the fuel pump block off plates, but everything is red just like the annular discharge bells. I know back in the jetski heyday, everybody and their dog was pumping out there own brand of aftermarket parts to sell to hungry buyers. I just sold a triple set of red top 44s the other day for $700. they came off an old Polaris 785 pro
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