I Hate Electrical Problems!!!!

norcal ex

San Jose, CA
this is my electrical setup
1. msd enhancer
2. jet ski solutios coil
3. jet ski solutions stator
4. some kind of lightweight flywheel. steel hub and red.

my ski has been hard to start and the other day it WOULD not start. i noticed that there was little spark and it was intermitent at best. then it stopped for good. swicted my new msd with a protec one and still no spark, switched start/stop switches and still no spark. next i switched the coil with a working stocker and some problem, then i swapped out my cdi with an msd that i was running last week that worked and the ski had spark and i got it started. then i let it rest and i put the jss coil back in and couldnt get it started then i put the stock coil back in and same problem. so bassicly it has intermitent spark right now and i have no idea what is wrong. im waiting for the doctor to get home so he can help me test the stator but until then i am FRUSTRATEd . anyone know the problem!? haha:dunno:
I had a similar issue with a Kawi I have.......after trying everything but the stator (since it was new/refurbed from JSS).....I ohmed out the stator, everything appeared ok.........finally, I tried a different stator.........ski fired right up.......one thing I did notice though was that jss stator was not quite as snug with the flywheel as the one I swapped out......Good luck , let me know how it turns out....


Lexington, KY
I hate them too. I'd rather returf than troubleshoot electrics. Check your grounds, and I almost alway disconnect the black/white wire for the kill switch while I'm checking everything else now. I just had an MSD go bad(water in the ebox). It would spark when I let off the start button. Sparked occasionally while cranking.

norcal ex

San Jose, CA
well hopefully i willhave it figured out soon, its so intermittnet that its hard! i just went down and it was sparking PERFECT then all of a sudden it started to miss and the spark slowly went away. all my ecectronics are months old..... the stator went in in june with my new engine.:frown:


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at peace
Try different plugs, too. It's probably stupid, but Phill just had one spark plug after another (2 total) go out altogether.


steals hub caps from cars
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at peace
Then my vote is the stator. It may also be the wiring between the stator and the ebox.


I hate them too. I'd rather returf than troubleshoot electrics. Check your grounds, and I almost alway disconnect the black/white wire for the kill switch while I'm checking everything else now. I just had an MSD go bad(water in the ebox). It would spark when I let off the start button. Sparked occasionally while cranking.

I also agree that you should disconnect the black/white stop switch wires. I have seen this switch stay partially on, I.E. reading low resistance, thus causing the CDI to do weird things. Some CDIs will crank up where others might not. It would be alot easier than servicing the stator at this point.


steals hub caps from cars
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at peace
That's usually the first thing I do. Disconnect the black two-wire connector and try it.


ISJWTA member #2
NW Arkansas
if youve got the E-BOX open, then test the stator output, both pulser coil, and CDI charge coil, lighting coil ( green wires) dont really matter for the spark.

pulser should show a little voltage every time flywheel passes the pickup when spun by hand ( may .5-3 volts)

with the starter turning it over, it will likely show pulses of almost 10 volts. ( basically any signal at all here will trigger the CDI, any reading is good)

the cdi charge coil. spinnign with the starter motor, shold put out a pretty good Votlage on the AC scale, maybe 25-50 volts?

the specs have been posted, and I have personally tested my boats and they are all over the map, some show 18 volts, one showed 60, whatever... they still run.

might be a place to start, and doesnt cost anything.

norcal ex

San Jose, CA
ok, i tested the stator and the readings are as follows

brown wire should be between 30 and 50?

1st round of cranking went to 50 then back to 25 volts
2nd ROUND went to 50 then to 15 then to 4.6 volts

white wire with red stripe

2nd cranking went to .26 volts

green wires
2nd round were both at around 4 volts

i thought it might be the flywheel because if allof them are low they only have one thing in common...the flywheel, pulled it and it looked good...now what?


Lexington, KY
not as positively as disconnecting the whote/black wire, and using a paper clip to jump the red/brown wires together.

that way you elimnate the switches totally.

Eliminating the switch altogether is the ONLY way to be sure.

Yes and Yes. Disconnect it. I screwed with the wifes WR for a couple hours one time before I thought of this. Sometimes it would start, and sometimes it wouldn't. I was gonna swap the switches, and when I opened her switch up I hit the button and it started everytime. That's why that's the first thing I do now. You can hold the start and stop down at the same time, and it will crank but not start.


ISJWTA member #2
NW Arkansas
are you checking them on AC setting with the meter?

those numbers sound workable, but the CDI charge coil, seems to be dropping out, which would make a random or weak spark.

they are all a bit low, but mine have shown that too, and ran for years.

ok, i tested the stator and the readings are as follows

brown wire should be between 30 and 50?

1st round of cranking went to 50 then back to 25 volts
2nd ROUND went to 50 then to 15 then to 4.6 volts

white wire with red stripe

2nd cranking went to .26 volts

green wires
2nd round were both at around 4 volts

i thought it might be the flywheel because if allof them are low they only have one thing in common...the flywheel, pulled it and it looked good...now what?
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