I Hate Electrical Problems!!!!


Yup, be sure you are on the AC setting of at least 100 volts range. Also sometimes the RFI from the high voltage can freak out a digital meter. Use an old analog swing meter if you have access to one. Take the plugs out and ground the spark plug wires to defeat the high voltage, this might make the reading more consistent.

norcal ex

San Jose, CA
Yup, be sure you are on the AC setting of at least 100 volts range. Also sometimes the RFI from the high voltage can freak out a digital meter. Use an old analog swing meter if you have access to one. Take the plugs out and ground the spark plug wires to defeat the high voltage, this might make the reading more consistent.

wires are grounded and i have an old ibm digital one that my dad used to use for work back in the day. it has never left me hanging before...


ISJWTA member #2
NW Arkansas
the 0.26 volts I assume is the pickup ( the white/[pink) thats a BIT low, but should trigger it.

also teh green wires, measure green to green, I think, not each one to ground.

the go into the rectifier that way.

stator OR pickup.

in my opinion.

Ill look and see if I have a coil to send you to subsitute if you cant find one locally, that might be easier to swap to check?

norcal ex

San Jose, CA
what do you mean coil? i just switched in a spare stator that i have , i know nothing about how good it is or anyhting but i just check it and it is as follows...

brown wire

few cranks at 50 and then it stedies at 21.5 (seems low)

white and red

around 5 (seems low)


3.5 which is what they are suppose to be (green to ground)

norcal ex

San Jose, CA
this stator is still giving me zero spark with these numbers.....anyhting else it can be...im about to swtich the coil back out and test again and then swithc the cdi out again.


ISJWTA member #2
NW Arkansas
man... those numbers sure seem workable to me.

are you sure your coil, and ebox have a good path to ground- check continuity with the block and battery black?

what do you mean coil? i just switched in a spare stator that i have , i know nothing about how good it is or anyhting but i just check it and it is as follows...

brown wire

few cranks at 50 and then it stedies at 21.5 (seems low)

white and red

around 5 (seems low)


3.5 which is what they are suppose to be (green to ground)


Site Supporter
i thought it might be the flywheel because if allof them are low they only have one thing in common...the flywheel, pulled it and it looked good...now what?

I havent read all of this thread yet, but..
Did you take off the flywheel and look at the back of it?
I had a Jetinetics purple alum flywheel go bad after like 8 years.. It developed hairline cracks leading out of the hub area on just the aluminum(it had the steel hub). I would have spark, then no spark.
What had happened was the flywheel was coming off balance and getting no trigger sometimes.. That one was a hard one to detect, I'll tell you that!


ISJWTA member #2
NW Arkansas
i thought it might be the flywheel because if allof them are low they only have one thing in common...the flywheel, pulled it and it looked good...now what?

they usually have more in common that that, shared grounds, and several connectors in side the box.

every connection is potentially a make it or break it area.

norcal ex

San Jose, CA
idsahf;ksafdh changing out the flywheel right now with a stock 62t, condition of it is not the greatest but i havent had any spark at all for the last 6 hours.... sooo stumped!!!

norcal ex

San Jose, CA
haha, nope just yellinggg.

ok i put a 61x stator and flywheel that i know works in and i get spark, BUT only when i let off the start button, so now i have a bad msd enhancer. i think i had 2 things that were bad, the msd and the stator, final stages of diagnostics tommarow night, i will let everyone know what the problem was!!!!


I break stuff
Just for fun, while your in there, check/replace your main engine ground. I had a ski that would just shut off and sometimes not start for a while. It was the ground. The stator gets ground from the cases, the cases from the battery negative (think electrical flow loop). For the longest time I swore it was a bad start/stop switch. Just an easy thing to check. -Ryan
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