I need help with Diag.

is a cult

one with crutches
Long Island NY
Im having a weird problem and im hoping blaster surf riders on here might know what im talking about.

I was out in the surf (4'-5') this past weekend and the blaster was running great as usual until about a half hour of jumping it started to run like seaweed in the prop after landing big jumps. i brought it to the beach asap and checked it out and saw nothing wrong, took her back out and blasted back and forth on flat water fine with same great top speed, then once again i land a big jump and it feels like its bogged down and doesnt wanna excel but a min later its fine until i jump again.
what the hell could this be and what should i check first for diag?

is a cult

one with crutches
Long Island NY
pump seal could have blown out or cracked wedge?
pull the ride plate and check pump

what em i looking for? because it rides 100% other then right after a big jump and i cant look at it right then.

sorry for the lack of self Diag. but im 3 hours from the ski and only see it on the weekends im not drifting. its kinda like a custody battle :chairshot:

is a cult

one with crutches
Long Island NY
OK so i went out for a ride late today when i finally made it home because i heard there were clean 2-3 waves and wanted to see if i could figure out my problem because i could not figure it out/ recreate the problem on land. so i make it to the inlet and there is 3' rolling swells i hit 1,2,3 swells and WAM there is my problem no power and the tide is going out :crazy: i idle it back to shore and open the hood and see nothing but smoke. let it clear and then realize that my chamber cupler is ripped/ clamp off. :rolleyes: wierd thing is it will run ok when cold. i got a screw driver from a fellow boater and moved the clamp back on and limped home. I hope i didnt hurt anything
is there anything i should do now? besides replace the cupler and clamps?
baldwin ny
check and see if its burnt on the in side of the hose. wheres the rip on the part facing the out side of the hull? sounds like the pipe is steaming out. (running to hot) this will lead to your runing issue also.you may have a cooling issue with the head pipe.(cloged screw that feeds the chamber water)) where on li do you ride?

is a cult

one with crutches
Long Island NY
check and see if its burnt on the in side of the hose. wheres the rip on the part facing the out side of the hull? sounds like the pipe is steaming out. (running to hot) this will lead to your runing issue also.you may have a cooling issue with the head pipe.(cloged screw that feeds the chamber water)) where on li do you ride?

So I'll pull the cupler off tom. And check it. Cooling water is flowing out the port, should I still check it for clog? If so where? I think there is a better way to run my cooling.

I ride Moriches inlet (great breaks) I bought my b1 from Adam in Rockville center. I'm trying to get this fixed and get Adam to come ride tomorrow.
Btw if the swell direction is right then you can hit up a break in the bay.
baldwin ny
there is a small hole in the head pipe the feeds water to the chamber. you may have to open it up some. is the chamber getting hot? run it wot for 30 sec kill the motor pop the hood quick and splash some water on the chamber. if its steams off the chamber you need more water in the exhaust.


Glass Happens
Charleston SC
I have found on a lot of older carbs the retention screw that reatins the needle valve gets worn out. When it is re used time and again it will wear down. When you land on big hits it will pop the needle valve pin out of place allowing the engine to flood out after landing big hits.

Flat water ride will be normal as it will wiggle back in place, a little and the fuel metering does not matter at WFO. You will always notice bog after landing with no real good response, flooding out if it's the float pin retention screw.

Inspect it.

is a cult

one with crutches
Long Island NY
removed the cupler, inspected it, cleaned it reinstalled it and went out all day in 3-4' surf without a single problem. i also noticed whoever installed the hose clamp had the screw part against the hull and im sure that was not helping, when i land/torque the motor it rubbed the hull and big hits probly moved it around enough to wiggle it off the cupler. The cupler is a bit chewed up on the end but its not burnt so it will hold for now, i plan on replacing it soon though....just to be safe.

:usa:4th of july...Corsons inlet!
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