I started smoking again...


i rode my new (to me) 03 yz250 today for the first time-what a blast! i was probably faster on my old crf but i had way more fun riding the yz than i ever had on the honda
a 250 2stroke is a fun bike. youll love it.

get your suspension done up for your weight/track(s) by a reputable local shop. it should only be a few hundred bucks and is by far the most critical thing you need to get done first and foremost! its all about suspension.
I have never ridden a 4 stroke DB but I have ridden CR250's and 500's. I can't imagine a faster lighter bike but I am kinda out of touch.

Nice buy!!
I have never ridden a 4 stroke DB but I have ridden CR250's and 500's. I can't imagine a faster lighter bike but I am kinda out of touch.

Nice buy!!

todays 4 strokes are out of control fast and light. instant power all throughout the rpm range. there is no comparison. any race-ready 450f is like :shocked:


Parts Whore
Fairmont, WV
I used to have a 98 YZ250. I loved that bike.. tear... I sold it and never got another after getting into skis.

Just today I stopped by a dealership in the town I am working in. They had an 09 YZ250 that got that little voice in my head telling me to buy another bike. I don't race or MX much but I will have another before the end of summer.

Congrats on the bike!!!
todays 4 strokes are out of control fast and light. instant power all throughout the rpm range. there is no comparison. any race-ready 450f is like :shocked:

Ahgg! No I wanna rip one!

I can't imagine it being anything like a CR 500 though. They were uncontrollable fast!! Is it like that but better!!??


Parts Whore
Fairmont, WV
I want a Service Honda CR500 conversion bike bad! They put a CR500 engine in a CRF250 Aluminum frame. They work over the suspension and engine a little to make it the single best open class MX bike out there. Could you imaging a super moto version?


Ahgg! No I wanna rip one!

I can't imagine it being anything like a CR 500 though. They were uncontrollable fast!! Is it like that but better!!??

its like having the power of a 500 except the power goes straight to the ground. doesnt lose it all in wheelspin. when you open it up out of a turn you just launch forward. there is no comparison between a 2 stroke 250 and a 450f on the track. a 2 stroke 250 and a 250f have almost identical lap times according to the magazines, with a 10 plus hp advantage for the 2 smoke!!!!
in my opinion, the 450f has a more "usable" power curve. you can ride with a lot more finesse and control. a 250 is a light switch.. its either all on or all off.. you have to really work to keep your speed up and your bike on the pipe. i think that's GREAT for training and practice, but if youre serious about racing, i dont understand why anyone wouldnt be on a 450 (outside the lites class). with the new AMA rules that let you run a 250 2stroke in the Lites(125) class, i could see why lots of guys would be riding bikes that make more power...... there have been quite a few guys with cr500's show up at our track.. theyre usually in the back getting lapped. its just the way it works out. maybe a cr500 would make a great desert bike or supermoto or glamis bike? :dunno:

i like my 125, dont get me wrong, but if i were purely a racer and doing this for anything more than fun... i'd be on a thumper! :smile:

now, back to this guys yz250... i wanna see some pics of that thing in the air.

Wolf Child

Just Another Octard
All over C. FL
in my opinion, the 450f has a more "usable" power curve. you can ride with a lot more finesse and control. a 250 is a light switch.. its either all on or all off.. you have to really work to keep your speed up and your bike on the pipe. i think that's GREAT for training and practice, but if youre serious about racing, i dont understand why anyone wouldnt be on a 450 (outside the lites class). with the new AMA rules that let you run a 250 2stroke in the Lites(125) class, i could see why lots of guys would be riding bikes that make more power...... there have been quite a few guys with cr500's show up at our track.. theyre usually in the back getting lapped. its just the way it works out. maybe a cr500 would make a great desert bike or supermoto or glamis bike? :dunno:

i like my 125, dont get me wrong, but if i were purely a racer and doing this for anything more than fun... i'd be on a thumper! :smile:

now, back to this guys yz250... i wanna see some pics of that thing in the air.

as usual... you are completely in the dark.
Man a 500 on a aluminum framed 250 would be nutz!!! Got vid??

250's and 500's was definitely off or on when I rode them. But I mean you can get used to anything.

Are you serious that 500's are getting lapped????
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