yes-that's where I got REAL DAM CONFUSED!!!
Buyer 1 accidentilly buys ski at 5300.00, contacts me trying to move it real quick, It takes me a few hours to get everything arranged, buyer 1 calls me and says she talked to seller and told seller it sold to low and she will not pay for it so he can sell at a higher price.?.?.? I was so dumbfounded I did not know what to say. After that I contacted seller and offered the 5300.00 and he stated he thought is was worth 6-7k.
I said thats fine but I cannot borrow that much on a used 08 RN. Seller calls a day or 2 later and says he really needs to sell fast and really needs 7k for it. Needless to say, seller still has it and I wish him the best of luck.