I think this was a good deal


Power In The Hands Of Few
Cullman AL
Zero bar ftw!


DAM U JETT, now I want to go to the store and get a zero! U suck. JK LOL

Big Kahuna

Tuscaloosa, AL
I made a comment that maybe I should not have made. 1. it not my business or yours. 2. when gil gets envolved the crap follows......... (so whats new)!!!!!!! 3.. See Item 1.
I made a comment that maybe I should not have made. 1. it not my business or yours. 2. when gil gets envolved the crap follows......... (so whats new)!!!!!!! 3.. See Item 1.

dayum,what's all that about?where the humor be at?
now i'm really confused:fart:


Power In The Hands Of Few
Cullman AL
I made a comment that maybe I should not have made. 1. it not my business or yours. 2. when gil gets envolved the crap follows......... (so whats new)!!!!!!! 3.. See Item 1.

CARE TO EXPLAIN THAT STATEMENT??????????????????????????????????
I can't wait to hear this.


Gil, maybe the person that had the highest bid was actually working with the seller to bump the price up?? Anytime a buyer says the price was too low thats fishy.

WFO Speedracer

A lifetime ban is like a lifetime warranty !
So Gils plight is
about our own yearning to be saved
from this world of Superjets and SXR's
and taken back to the better world of X2's
we intuitively know it exists.

Each time Gil almost makes it out of Cullman
but he is foiled,usually by Cheryl
we enjoy being amused at his plight
and his foolishness,
which is really not unlike our own.

After all, we too are rebels
in a world not of our choosing.
And like him,
we hope for something better.

That makes Gils plight a parable
about hope and hopelessness.

A foolish parable, to be sure,
but a parable nonetheless.
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