Ideas for ski testing tank


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Glenmoore pa
I live kinda far from our riding spot and testing this ignition I’m developing is getting annoying. I need a water tank at my house so I can load the motor and test easily. I’m looking for ideas on things I can repurpose as a test tank? Scouring marketplace hasn’t had great results yet. Thanks in advance!

Big Kahuna

Tuscaloosa, AL
you need a tank big enough to get ski in, plus you have to create some baffles to slow down the thrust while also not causing the water to churn so you can keep the pump loaded.
There's a used purpose-built Jetski Tank for $750 in Dallas. Comes with a lifting Boom.

Also seen where a Boat Shop had made a small rectangular concrete pool with a boat trailer ramp. Deep (2ft+) enough to submerge the Trailer and Jetski. Just leave the Jetski tied down on the Trailer and rev.

Really, all you need is a shallow long rectangular water-filled lined Ditch with an access ramp wide enough for a Trailer to back down.

Does your Neighbor have a Swimming Pool? :p


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Glenmoore pa
crap I wish I was in Texas! That’s pretty cool. Ya I don’t really want concrete (something less permanent). Ramp isn’t a huge issue either. This is for lightweight small skis. Farm water tanks are probably a good idea. Maybe I should just dig a small pond
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