Super Jet Identify these engine mounts

Hey everyone,

I was trying to figure out what type of mounts these are. I looked at a very old set that I thought came off of a 701 but these appear to be a bit larger.

I've read that many people like the GP800 mounts...

Could these be GP800 mounts by chance?

I tried to google some images of the GP800's but a bunch of different mounts came up.

I'm trying to decide what mounts to go with so I appreciate the help as always.

2nd Jet Ski build 032.jpg2nd Jet Ski build 033.jpg2nd Jet Ski build 034.jpg2nd Jet Ski build 035.jpg
Thanks guys.

Are they better than some of the aftermarket ones out there?

Is it common for people to run the sit down mounts?

I ask because I can get around 30% off of OEM yahama parts from my local dealer.

If they are just as strong...I can pick up 4 of them.

I will be attempting surf backflips this summer so I want a good set of mounts:)

also wondering about running these or similar yamaha sitdown mounts in my superjet .. they seem to be slightly higher than stock superjet mounts .. yet as there is play with yamaha mounts back and forth ,, using such thik shims on the stock ones .. think they might be ok ... my concern is the height ..
I was told that the couch mounts last longer and that what you can do is bore out the holes where they mount to the hull, this allows you to slide them outwards towards the sides of the hull a bit. Since they are slanted, this helps the resulting height to be lower. I run OEM Yamaha SJ mounts though, never tried this myself.
so that have to be machineddown on teh bottom ? or boring out teh holes slightly is ok? likei was saying teh shims ure seem think and there is already room to slide mounts back a bit .. for my stock mounts we recently installed we had to be sure teh stockers were slid all teh way forward .. was assuming with these slid all teh way back they would be fine .. guess its going to be a actually test and see ..
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