IJSBA East Coast Events - Where are they??


High on Helium
Ever since ProWatercross broke away from the IJSBA, lot's of other circuits followed suit. I'm trying to find my qualifiers for Havasu, but there's nothing I can find on the IJSBA website for anything remotely close to me in NC.
I know about the Region 8 East Coast Watercross tour up in the New England area, but that's a solid 12 hours for the closest race of theirs. It's my understanding that P1 AquaX is IJSBA, but I don't think they offer freestyle? Anyone know? Mikey Young had told me it wouldn't make sense for me to go to Daytona this weekend for a freestyle qualifier.

Am I missing something here? How are other people qualifying for IJSBA WF this year in Freestyle? I'm bummed that Ice Man's event in FL is AFTER Havasu.
I had the same question not to long ago, I shot an email to IJSBA and they where able to give me a list of every IJSBA sanctioned event between now and WF within 8 hours distance. Although not much help to you I would recommend asking them for a list, It helped me alot
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