"I'm just a dumb girl" Blaster Build


day dreaming
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Long Island
yea hot knife is best way to do it and if u can get it out in large enough chunks and keep some chunks throw as much of them back in when your done. those chunks you get back in in the back and the nose foam keeps many basters afloat even in surf ;-) well barely above water line but its better than torpedoing to the bottom


Be Rad, Stay Rad
Henderson, NV
Where do you guys ride up there now that Lake Mead is closed to two-strokes?
Lake Mead haha. And we ride the river down by Laughlin. My neighbor has 5 acres there with his own launch ramp that we are welcome to use any time. We also go to havasu a lot because it's about a 2 hour drive.


Be Rad, Stay Rad
Henderson, NV
Did they lift the two-stroke ban or did you guys find a way around it?

I guess were just law breakers ha. We haven't gotten caught. Joeys ski is technically legal because his ski is an 08. We ride in a cove that isn't patrolled very heavily. Lake Mead is so huge that if we kinda lay low and don't do anything stupid we haven't had any problems. A few riders from our group had a problem on a weekend last summer, but they had a barking dog and the rangers just made them leave without tickets.


pew pew lazers!
So Utah
just get some 4 stroke stickers, get some smokeless redline oil, and get someone to photoshop an EPA certification sticker onto some vinyl. e-z p-z lol


Be Rad, Stay Rad
Henderson, NV
just get some 4 stroke stickers, get some smokeless redline oil, and get someone to photoshop an EPA certification sticker onto some vinyl. e-z p-z lol
I think the rangers are so dumb that I could tell them that I put a 4 stroke in it and they would believe it. Or that the motor is from a 2006 or newer ski that meets the epa standards.

I really find the whole 2 stroke ban pretty silly, because it only applies to pwc, not boats.


Be Rad, Stay Rad
Henderson, NV
Status update:

I've been sick the last few days, had family in town, and had to go to school so I haven't made much progress since last week.

But all the foam is removed and the hull has been cleaned. Right now I'm trying to figure out what I'm doing with the waterbox as far as padding so it's not just sitting in the hull.

Joey bought a wave venture for parts and I noticed the foam under the waterbox was shaped very similar to what I wanted to do with my waterbox. So I borrowed/stole whatever you want to call it, the foam from the wave venture. Luckily the waterbox I will be using fits in the piece of foam great......


And with a little sweet talking I got the foam to fit in the blaster......

I was thinking this was all working out great! And that it'd be super easy to get this waterbox situated, and why hadn't any one else done this before?

Well, unfortunately there isn't enough room to squeeze the waterbox and the foam padding in there. So I'm working on shaving bits and pieces of the foam to make it fit. In theory.
You'll get it in there...I had to do the same with my 1100 conversion. But it's nice to have it sitting on foam...once it's in there I also used a piece of under padding and glued it to the top of hull above waterbox to wedge box in so it was nice and snug and Didint bounce around.
An idea for replacing the foam, but still being easy to work on as it would come back out easier, those styrofoam pool noodles... surprisingly enough they are coast guard approved to replace flotation foam in a boat hull.... You could cut them up and bundle them or whatever, but still be fairly easily removable if need be, but at least it will have something to slow it down if it's going down.


Be Rad, Stay Rad
Henderson, NV
So I haven't made much progress lately. I was waiting on money to order parts, then waiting on the parts to get here. Along with going to the Pismo SpringBreak FreeRide last weekend and coming home to help a friend change the starter in her moms car, oh and riding at the lake last night :)

Anyways while I was waiting on my exhaust outlet to arrive I made some new fuel pickups. I can't take credit for this idea, rdrttoy did this on his superjet and it worked out great for him and at the Mark Hahn endurance race. Basically you just cut off the lower part of the fuel pick ups with a hack saw and attach some good tygon fuel line that always stay flexible. Measure them so they are long enough to reach the bottom of the tank, add some in line fuel filters and you're good to go. These new pick ups are super flexible and follow the fuel no matter what position you're in. Yes I kno no I don't have reserve, but I don't really care. I just pay attention to how much fuel I have and usually know how long I can ride.




Then my awesome IPD exhaust outlet arrived in the mail :)



Although the IPD outlet came with a block off plate for the old exhaust outlet I used a Rad Dudes one. I liked it a bit better because it had the nuts welded to the back making it easier for install. Gooped it up with a bunch of silicone and installed it.



Then I used a hole saw and drilled the hole in my boat where I wanted to install the rear exit. It's very scary to do so. That is a big hole to screw up haha. But I did it right and the exhaust outlet fit perfectly! Put a few small rivets in it just to hold it in place so I could mock up the exhaust tubing and figure out how things were going to be routed.



Joey helped me a lot with the next part. We had a hose from a 701 raider that we hacked up to fit. It's nice cause it already has the bends in it to clear the pump tunnel.



And this is out of the ski so it's a little more clear and hopefully more helpful as to what is going on.



Tomorrow I will be ordering the rest of the hose for the engine compartment. Glad to finally make some progress on this part. I think after this is all done it'll be smooth sailing and go pretty quickly.


Be Rad, Stay Rad
Henderson, NV
I've been thinking and thinking about how I'm going to put some sort of padding around my waterbox. I scrapped the piece of foam from the wave venture, it was at the wrong angle and just to big. I cut that thing as much as I could, but it just wasn't going to work out. So I gave in to the idea of using turf around the waterbox. Went to our storage unit to get the turf and came across some of those rubber mats that go under the factory waterbox, fuel tank, ect that were left overs from old hulls. Perfect, they will look super clean and almost factory. But I still wanted to be able to strap them down somehow. Luckily rdrttoy is pretty good at fiberglass(and smart) and came up with the idea of glassing in mounts to use a strap for the waterbox. We got the inserts from Epic Industries (if they aren't on his website email him)

After getting these inserts, I set the waterbox in the hull and measured where the mounts were going to be glassed in. Then Joey mixed up some resin and thickened it up with cabosil until it was the consistency of peanutbutter and glassed them in the hull.




While those were setting up and the fiberglass stuff was out we decided to make a custom battery tray since I will not be using the factory location. I bought a smaller battery so I could do this (I can get the part numbers and the website for who ever is interested) this battery is a lot smaller and will be mounted under the seat opposite of the waterbox.

Here's the weight difference with the batteries. I didn't have the factory battery tray to weigh with my original battery. But you get the idea. I saved some weight this way which will be awesome.



To make the battery tray I covered the battery in turf then wrapped it with shrink wrap to keep it clean. Then covered it with mold wax and mold release pva compound so it was easy to remove. Used left over fiberglass and some carbon fiber from rdrttoy's superjet build to cover the bottom half of the battery.



After it dried overnight we took it out of the mold. It was a bit ugly but after trimming it, it doesn't look half bad. Also put turf in the bottom and sides the battery would be padded.


To strap the battery down we used the same inserts we used for the waterbox. And to attach the battery tray to the hull we used thickened resign as well.


After all the resign was set up and hardened it was time to finally finish the exhaust system. I got some good hose clamps to minimize the risk of something failing and silicone couplers from siliconintakes.com


I glued in all the rubber pads for my waterbox, hooked up the hoses, triple checked that all the hose clamps were tight, and finally strapped down the waterbox using the new inserts. I'm very happy how everything turned out. I think it looks very clean and tidy :)



Looking good. Definitely a lot cleaner than my 1100 build. I like those hose clamps. I'll probably change mine out. I've been nervous taking the blaster out since it went down from a bad hose clamp.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


Be Rad, Stay Rad
Henderson, NV
I built the motor back in January. I know that's a little ass backwards to have the motor built before I even touched the ski but I knew I was doing this build and started with the motor because I got the new crank as a Christmas present. For Christmas I also got a head, some gaskets, and the b2 steering conversion


The motor is a 718cc with a 62T raider cylinder. The head is milled for pump gas. The crank was built by competitive crankshafts. Has a 760 intake setup with dual 44s, factory pipe, and msd enhancer.



Nice set of domes ;P ^^^



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