thats what I was thking...
strip the jets out, clean the diaphrams, shake it out and slap it back together
I went back and read what I typed, I didn't mean to say "every time I get water in 'em". It was wrong of me to say that. :banghead:
It just so happened that both sets of carbs I rebuilt last year needed at least one or more gaskets and or diaphragms that needed to be replaced. The diaphragms were bowed out and not reusable in my opinion. Just until recently I didn't know I could purchase individual carb parts from shops like JSS, otherwise just replacing the damaged gasket and or diaphragms and no other parts would might have been an option. I opted to go for a whole rebuild kit just to start a new. On one set I also needed to replace the needle and seat.
But if I would have only had one carb each time to rebuild, my cost would have been cut in half. That was the original point I was trying to make. :biggrin::smile:
I still believe that if you sank your ski, and know water went in the gas tank, and possibly the carbs, they should be clean out as IDOK described above. Water is biatch to get out of those mikuni's. Water will not come completely out unless the carbs are "gone through". It just likes to stay in them carbs.