impeller locked up?

I recently bought an 01 superjet and the impeller was locked solid in it. I took the pump assembly off and got the impeller out but it is really really tight in the housing.... What could have caused this and how would you recommend fixing it? It has a solas impeller and the bearings are fine and spin freely and quietly. I was wondering if i need a new impeller and/or housing or if i could do something like hone out the housing? Thx for any help guys.
Sounds like you need a new wear ring. Mine bubbled up like that and locked up the impeller too after a long storage period. Your impeller should be fine. The wear rings can be had used for pretty cheap.

Welcome to the X!!
North Texas
Just finnished installing the WSM housing and ware ring. What a pain in the arse. The stock housing is 144mm and the wsm is 143mm even though it says its 144mm. I put it onw anyway and let my prop cut it back. Don't know if thats the right way but its my way:cool:


615 Freeriders are addicted to T1 madness.
WOW, I prolly woulda honed it. Dont suck anything in that wear ring or ots history, Shoulda bought OEM or used OEM IMO, the WSM is great if you NEVER SUCK up plastic bottle caps or bark or rocks or even large sea shells. If anything wedges between your prop and wear ring it will melt it QUICK.
Just my opinion, look for a reasonably priced good condition used OEM as a back up. I wish someone made a good aftermarket one (reasonably priced anyway) but thats not happened yet.
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