In need of Glassing/Carbon 101


RN Surgery... soon
Hey guys,

I have searched for a while on this site, but everything related to fiberglass & carbon is too advanced for me. I've never worked with fiberglass before. Complete newb!

I'm picking up an extra squarenose hood when I can find one locally.

I'm going for the Slut mod, handholds, and possibly some other stupid might work, might not work idea. Depends on how well I learn this. Decided to try it on a new hood, instead of wrecking the one that already works (bought ski with a slut modded hood).

The search I ran with "glassing", "layup", "carbon" and other combinations pulls way too many threads that are too advanced for me.

Can someone direct me to some links, that break down Fiberglassing to simple first timer terms with photos for reference.

I need to learn everything, what adhers to what? which resin to use with what materials? and how to lay it properly? Mixing resins with additives? 1 part 2 part? Keep in mind I have no clue what I'm talking about so the crap I listed above may not even apply...

The cold months are here and I'm bored.
May as well get high and screw something up...
best place to talk to locally is composites canada in mississauga. they helped me with all my newb questions and carry anythuing you would need. Can get you there info if you want.


thanks darin...noswad!
The basics are really fairly simple, start with a clean scuffed surface. I'm using US composites 4/1 fast epoxy, but you have plenty of time to saturate the cloth or mat, it will run for quite a while on vertical surfaces. I like things laid flat when possible. After it sets overnight, you can sand and fill, or grind it off and start over. I like small batches, you can always mix more as needed. Epoxy with the filler powder creates the fairing putty (like bondo) to make it finish out nice. Check out my X2 in the buildup section. Its really not that hard, just take your time and prepare for some sanding. And did I mention sanding?
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you can only read so much before you just have to try it. For your liner, make a cutout out of cardboard and duct tape it all over (wont stick to that). I recommend West Systems, its pricey, but nearly foolproof. Dont oversaturate, you want it to look like its 'trying' to look wet, but not shiny (to saturated), and not white (not saturated enough). It takes a little experience, but once you do a little, its pretty easy IMO. Remember that only a 50/50 weight of epoxy to glass will produce max strength (for most glass), so for 9 oz glass, you should need 9 oz. More epoxy only adds weight and in some cases weakness, you want just enough epoxy to saturate the glass, the glass is where all the strength comes from.
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