650/X-2 Insane CL find


Captain of this ship
Went and looked at this ski the other day I saw on Craigslist. Pretty rare find. I ended up passing on the ski because I had nowhere to put it.

It was a brand new 1988 X2, only touched the water once last summer when (the second owner) put it in. Pretty mint, had about 2 hours total on it. THe side sponsons had a little more use. I cant find a picture of the overall ski...but you get the idea. For any of you guys giving me crap for not buying, this was not the first of my rare CL finds (others include a near brand new FX1 for $600)....and im not an X2 guy myself.





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Captain of this ship
Lol here is the guy that must of bought it..... wow 2k


I am selling a Kawasaki X2 650 that is in "Mint Condition" and has only seen the water a few times. This 1989 Jetski looks like it just came out of the factory crate. Must see to appreciate. Jetski is lake ready with a brand new battery installed as well as trailer included. No offers will even be considered until you have at least seen the jetski in person. $1950 970-222-8198 >>
>> <img src="http://farm8.staticflickr.com/7058/6926575953_b0570ab69f_b.jpg" width="1024" height="768" alt="DSCN0031
2000 still a great deal for such a mint classic :)
my buddy worked for orlando yamaha for like 7 years and in 2008 i think it was he found an FX1 in the back corner of there storage of crated new machines and what not. He had no clue of its origin and rarity and was told he could keep it but decided he wanted nothing of it... and sold it on the showroom floor for just under $3g !!!!
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