Super Jet Intake/exhaust block off plates

Looking to see if anyone makes a cheap or simple plate to seal the engine for pressure testing? I know I saw some blowsion ones but they are like 50.00 bucks, and I don't have the cutting tools necessary to make them and it would probably cost the same price in tools as finding some pre made. Anyone know of, or make something like this? My engine is pretty minty, but would like the piece of mind knowing they are good?


I hate winter
I use a plumbing plug in the end of the exhaust manifold and a bycycle tire tube over the intake and bolt the carbs over. Then I use my mikuni popoff tester on the pulse nipple on the cases.
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Hmm..seems simple, never thought of that method. I had always heard of people making plates. Thanks for the tip!!!

When you say headpipe I'd assume you mean the manifold as it's smaller than the headpipe opening?
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