Internet connection


wannabe backflipper
gold coast
So this guy some where close to my house has this real fast internet connection my wireless is picking up.
I know its fast because when my nachine jumps across to his conection i get over 150k a sec downloads
Is this bad
should i try and find him and tell him i am using his connection
i have my own but its not as fast as his

mine is only 512
how would you find him other than snooping on his network to find some sort of ID?

the network snooping is what would be "bad" about it.

tough call. fast and free internet is nice.
Me personally I say use it. I leave my wifi unprotected because I don't care if anyone uses it. If it becomes a problem I'll know and I'll enable security.
MADMAT said:
Not unless your sharing folders or he is a really good hacker.

hacker.... hmmmm.

that brings up another point. either the guy isnt securing his connection because hes ignorant, or hes a hacker thats purposely doing it to get people to "get their foot in the door". just a thought.


wannabe backflipper
gold coast
i didnt find him my wifi picked him up
yeah my machine is locked down and so is my network
He can hack me if he likes
there nothing to see on this pc other than lots of porn
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s. fla
go ahead and use it people our always stealing my home system. i don't really care, because the home system is pretty boring to snoop around in. i had to lock up my office because of people trying jump on that one.

nah some ppl just dont secure their network... like on linksys networks.. i havent found 1 that is secured, my friend has 1 that i hook off of. but nah you dont have to tell the guy, its not like its illegal:biggthumpup:


wannabe backflipper
gold coast
oh well i hope he aint paying by the meg
cause i downloaded a few meg last night
If the guy next door puts his house up for sale i will assume he was


old and busted
it's done all the time "war driving", cruising around to find adhoc wireless networks and checking to see what's for the takin

if your machine has a firewall of any sort youre pretty much ... umm, good to go regarding attacks from his side. unless he is has some l33t sk1llz ... use it while it's available :woot:
yamasaki said:
a hacker's gotta be pretty f'n bored if he wants to spend the time and energy to break in to a neighbors' wifi network.. if its unsecured, chances are, he just dont know any betta...

he makes a couple of good points... but i get bored alot when im not ridin or workin:sneaky:


Just plain me....
kawi_freak said:
nah some ppl just dont secure their network... like on linksys networks.. i havent found 1 that is secured, my friend has 1 that i hook off of. but nah you dont have to tell the guy, its not like its illegal:biggthumpup:
so who's are you "borrowing" now:biggrin:
yeah, the more i think about it, if youre not being malicious with the access, its just a signal. right? its like stealing cable. its not really stealing.


User Title Unavailable
There's no way for a hacker to hack you for linking into a wireless network. There is however a way if you are broadcasting WiFi from a router, which a computer is hardwired too. Even so, its nearly impossible in every way. Use it, it probably wont effect his speed at all.


Old school -not by choice
Twincities, MN
Awww man, my house is on that map ( Thats it, I'm shutting that down when I get home! I've seen assholes parked out front before dickin around on a PC, I figured they were sales men.... Didn't even think that they were using my wireless.....

Of corse I wouldn't think of that as I steal the next door's wireless when I'm at work because they have a faster connection than our t1 here at work..


for me to POOP on!
Houston, TX
Actually, in the states if you do not have authorization to use the network you are trespassing.

It is illegal, but only to the extent it is enforced.

This is the primay reason it is advocated you disable the auto-connect feature for your wireless card:

Scroll down to Legalities and Ethics

* Don't look.
* Don't touch.
* Don't play through.

In other words, 1) don't examine the contents of a network; 2) don't add, delete, or change anything on the network, and 3) don't even use the network's Internet connection for Web surfing, email, chat, FTP, or anything else. Somebody else paid for the bandwidth, and if you don't have permission to use it, you're stealing it. Basically, unless you have permission, don't connect. Consider it a matter of personal honor, even when it's unlikely that you'll be caught. (If you get too used to feeling that you won't get caught, sooner or later you will get caught!)

That said: It is illegal, but only to the extent it is enforced.
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