Ironman Triathlon


Just spell my name right
In Your Head
I'm a triathlete.

I am just coming off of 7 months rest for a bunion problem (didn't help) after my last one I think last August.

I'll do two this year: a sprint, and then a 1/2. And that's it.
I feel great during the training, but it is very very very time consuming.

Here is my little piece of useless advice: Buy the best possible set of wheels that you can afford. And, train with a group whenever possible. Bike & running groups are easy enough to find pretty much anywhere.
I found that as I trained alone, I thought I was doing well.
Then I started training with a group, and realized just how slow I was.
Also, buy the bible. It's great for setting goals and workout schedules.
And don't skip workouts. They lay them out the way they do for a reason. Like I said, your life will completely revolve around your training schedule. If you don't have the complete support of the people around you and in your life, you'll never get to your goal. Never.
Again, get the bible. DON'T even bother trying to put together your own training schedule and expect it to work. It won't.
The bigger tri's (1/2 Ironman & up) aren't a game. They are serious stuff you can't take lightly.
Also, keep this in mind: cross training really doesn't work for Ironman, IMHO. For the bike, you gotta put in the bike miles, plain and simple. Same with the run. Same with the swim.
Oh, heart monitor. Gotta gotta gotta have one. Look on ebay.

After the Ironman, you trump EVERYONE in conversation.
Bragging rights forever.
Once an Ironman, ALWAYS an Ironman.
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Just spell my name right
In Your Head
sjweber did complete the Ironman here in Louisville last fall. It was his first and he beat his goal by an hour also. He doesn't like the run either.

In Ironman, they call it the Bonk.
Or, the Death march.
Even in the 1/2, you see people about 8-9 miles in walking.
In Ironman, you see people get off the bike, try transitioning into the run by walking...then never even start running, and walk the whole 26.2 miles.
Or quit when they get to the run.
112 miles on a bike is mentally & physically tough. And then to finally get off, and realize you've got a 26.2 mile run ahead of you....just flat out beats alot of people, just the thought of it, the mental part.


Just spell my name right
In Your Head
Oh, another thing I'll throw out there:
If you train with a biking group, make SURE you don't get into the habit of drafting in a pack.
While I was training for my first triathlon, I biked with a group of some pretty heavy-hitter bikers. College competitive ones. And, they like to draft at some pretty serious speeds. Twice a week I'd ride in this large group and we'd go anywhere from 30 to 55 miles or so.
I get to my first tri, and find out that it's against the rules to draft. If they catch you (and they will), you are disqualified. You also can't wear an Ipod (my crutch).
So, I get out of the swim, panicked, hop on the bike and even 12-13 year old kids are passing me. I'm peddling on my own about 20.7 MPH, when I'm used to 23mph with my group. Next thing I know I'm down about 19.5. I think I barely was able to average 19mph the whole bike section. And it ruined my run.
Now, when I train, I always break draft. Some guys will give you the side-eye, but those are just the hard core bikers. Tri guys get it.

Oh, and get a tri bike. Don't even train on a road bike. You used different muscles on a tri bike because of the steeper seat tube angle, thus the transition from bike to run is a ton smoother. On my tri bike, the transition from bike to run only takes about 100 yards now before I don't feel like collapsing.


Any one do any triathlon stuff?

I am just starting to step up my training for next summers Lake Placid Ironman. I had been debating signing up for it and everyone that I spoke to tried to turn me away from setting such a high bar for myself. I ended up not going to the sign up (which happens the next morning after the race), however my English teacher from last year is the head organizer for this Ironman and he said that he can get me into it if I want to.

Everyone I talk to says I'm crazy for even thinking about doing it and most people are doubting that I will follow through. I find it that I take my training seriously when I have a set goal that I have to make. Everyone in sports that I talk with about goal setting sets their goals, but there is never any problems that come if the goal is not met. This is what I like about signing up for the race. It gives me a set goal that I have to work towards to complete and if I slack off there will be alot to pay on race day.

For those who dont know the Ironman consists of a 2.4 mile swim, 112 mile bike, and 26.2 mile run in that order.

Just thought I'd see if anyone on here does any triathlon training or races. For now my training is alot of biking and running, swimming a good bit when I'm out skiing. Also alot of weight lifting in the gym.

I had to post this because i don't know a soul who wouldn't want the credit so here's my Ironman time from the last year i competed. This is just a list of the students who were enrolled in UBC in Vancouver at the time. I'm Tyson Miller and yes the Canadian Ironman is the same length. I've competed 4 times but only finished twice. You have to only eat and train for a year or more to to even finish the race. Almost cost me a wife.. doh

I hope you go for it man and i wish you the best! Congrats for even getting the nerve to make it a goal! If you need tips i have lots so feel free to ask a Q. Just be prepared for pain like no other. lol


Reflexions Divas Only Triathlon
Karmen Jongewaard 1:16:51 11th Overall 3rd Female 25-29
Lana Piraux 1:26:42 44th Overall 7th Female 25-29

Ironman Canada
Tyson Miller 10:39:05 164th Overall 4th Male 18-24
Daryl Handley 11:55:09 660th Overall 130th Male 30-34
Trish Stathers 12:55:13 1160th Overall 7th Female 18-24
Don Smith 13:09:10 1244th Overall 109th Male 45-49
Kerry Taylor 15:53:18 1931st Overall 131st Female 30-34
Vancouver Triathlon
Sprint Distance
Lara Russell 1:41:06 70th Overall 4th female 30-39
Olympic Distance
Nathan Wallace 2:24:16 40th Overall 9th Male 25-29
Sarah Tennant 2:25:30 44th Overall 4th Female 25-29
Doug Giles 2:27:19 58th Overall 7th Male 20-24
Georg Rieger 2:36:11 108th Overall 9th Male 40-44
Mark Beynon 2:36:43 110th Overall 2nd Male 50-54
Ivan Chong 2:43:47 153rd Overall 12th Male 20-24
Becky Gibson 2:51:58 192nd Overall 5th Female 20-24
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Charlotte, NC
Anyone else doing tris these days? Completed my first Sprint back in July. Looking to go Oly/International distance next year. I've got all the equipment. I just need to get the engine firing on all cylinders.

I will say that crossing the finish line was probably one of the greatest feelings I've had in a long time (even though it was a Sprint).


So long and thanks for all the fish
A friend is training for Ironman Florida right now, he doesn't post here anymore though. He did Ironman Louisville in 2009 and finished---it was his first. The amount of time spent for training is insane and the guys that do it professionally blow my mind.


Eddie Would Go.
Charlotte, NC
2 weeks ago I signed up for Ironman Arizona. So I will be competing 11/18/2012 on my 35 b-day.
I have done several sprints and have 3 half Irons planned for 2012.
Unfortunately (or not) triathalon has replaced jet sking for me. :bump:
I would just go for it. you will look back in the future and be happy you did it. im in high school right now and Im going to start training for "cross fit competition" I know what it feels like.. Good luck!!


Charlotte, NC
I'm planning on 5 Sprints this year and a time trial series held on Charlotte Motor Speedway. This is going to be a busy year for me. First race is in March.

All Stock

Keyboard Freestyler
Way to go LBE and Bax.

Hate to say it but I havent been on a ski since Daytona 2010. Training can be all comsuming. It is great therapy and you learn a lot about yourself. Finished my first IM in May. It is a crazy event, like nothing else.

Good luck in Arizona. I have several friends that have done that one and it is supposed to be one of the best.

Remeber, it's just one foot in front of the other. Repeat as necessary.


Eddie Would Go.
Charlotte, NC
IMAZ in the books. As I stated above, the race was on my 35th birthday, and I can say at 35 years old, I am in the best shape of my life. I feel great, strong, and recover super quick, even from intense workouts. IronMan is no joke. But if your looking for a way to get in shape and have some fun, triathlon is a great sport.
I did three Tris many biathlons .... granted it was a life time ago. The last one I did was a tin man (half ironman ) after in finished I swore to god that's the last one I would ever do.... hats off to you, its a ton of misery and not healthy to push that hard year after year. The running always killed me..... I mean killed me.
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