Is the Factory B-pipe and 650sx pipe the same

Im am fairly sure that the "Factory B" headpipe is the same part for both Yamaha and Kawasaki installations.


Water Junky
Boise, Idaho
factory pipes "B" pipe is for 701's, the exhaust manifold ports/exit will be larger as will the head pipe entrance, and the chambers for the 701 are larger both in circumference and at the exit.

they are not the same.

factory pipes for 650 superjets and 650sx kawasakis are not 'b' pipes, just factory pipes.


makin' legs
factory pipes "B" pipe is for 701's, the exhaust manifold ports/exit will be larger as will the head pipe entrance, and the chambers for the 701 are larger both in circumference and at the exit.

they are not the same.

factory pipes for 650 superjets and 650sx kawasakis are not 'b' pipes, just factory pipes.

The headpipe starts as the same part for both. The flange that mates to the manifold is thicker on the Kawasaki. The Yamaha is cut thinner. Otherwise they are identical.
the head pipe for kawie isnt the same either
kawie isnt stamped b
i bought a used pipe for frostys blaster few years back it came w kawie head pipe
it went on but was not right!
coupler was in a bind and rubbed the hull
swaped w b pipe header problem went away!
I had a Kawisaki 750 mod pipe that was B stamped. Ive found Kawasaki 750LTD and 650sx pipes without the "B". I did notice that the B headpipes seemed beefier than the older ones and have larger inlets. These have been around since at least 1993 and changes have been made to the manifolds and headers. Im not surprised that some combinations fit differently, none of them are marked as to what boat they were for. My favorite change was when the horespower claim jumped from 12 to 19 right after another mfg claimed 19 in their adds. Why did they stop there? I would have felt alot better about dropping $500 if they claimed 30-40hp.
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