make sure you are using SAE hose barbs vs metric. Note all the kawi stuff is metric so sometimes the hose fits sloppy. IE 6mm hose barb is .236 vs 1/4” .250. So the 1/4” line will blow off a 6mm hose barb. I use 7mm hose barbs with 1/4” silicone hose. The silicone hose stretches over nicely and gives you better flow through fitting.
You can get a clamp tool that works two ways for crimping. Or use side cutters to crimp in a tight spot. The easiest way to pop off the oetikers is to get a sharp flat screwdriver put it under the tab end then tap with a hammer. Pop the tab end up to release. Then grab the pinched area with pliers and pull. Off in seconds! They have never failed me when the hose and barb connection are properly fit.
Yeah good info you brought up a couple good points and I see now I left some info out.. I do use the correct crimp tool, or side cutters in tight areas, but actually my 1/2 after market cooling lines have no barb on them. I stretch 3/8 pvc hose on to them and crimp Otakar’s on...
These blow off running small restricters in my cooling pisssers...
Not sure if you’ve seen the RRP silicone hose for their lay down pipe but it’s an unusually “thick walled soft silicone hose” but it fits my Y barbs perfect... but Otakar’s can compress enough to keep it from popping off with my restricters.... I’ve got a couple complicating issues and I ran tiny restricters... if I had no restricted just open cooling exit lines I wouldn’t have so much pressure pushing the hoses off.. wrong combination of parts and clamp for this set up...
My other ski has no restricters and almost all Otakar clamps.... worm drives on cooling tubes @ bulk head and on jetted barbs.....
Oh my engine likes to unscrew worm drives too, at least the ones I got from McMaster Carr do, so I use red thread locker on the screw now, just on the incoming cooling lines at bulk head, think I’ll ad a second clamp too LoL....
One hull has metric carbon cooling tubes that that ara smaller than SAE hose like you mentioned earlier,