Freestyle it was miller time at 5 to 7 and we were drinking

if the boat is going slow and plowing, the wake just behind the white water is the best. its the biggest but the one behind that is cleaner but rounder and not as steep. the white water is just mush, but we do have some knuckleheads that like to hit that one anyway. that sucks for us, since that white water turns into the next one back and its messed up for the next guy in line.
if the boat is going faster, i hit it right behind the boat, where its steep and solid, without too much white water mush. less mush = more pop.
what motors in your blue freak? my yellow freak has an old R&D / dasa pv 800cc, 140 skat mag.
I guess everyone has their own style when it comes to where to hit it.

My ski has:
785 Big Bore built by Trey St. John back in the day
Sectioned Raider Chamber
Solas Mag

Nothing too special, no Vtec.
I've watched a bunch of your vids, guy on the green freak is pretty solid. Any reason you guys hit the second wake and so far back?

I have been pondering the same question too because I hit the first wake right behind the boat however, I have been wondering about trying flips off the second wake which are clean and somewhat steep. The first wake often times looks the biggest and steepest, but Buzz you got me thinking about how much of it is mush. My favorite is when the boat just takes off and hitting the first wake just before it planes off.
white water means its full of air and its mush. you are going to get a lot more pop off solid water than mush air water. right where the white water ends, is where its steepest and solid. back a bit farther it rounds off and is better for rolls at higher speeds. the next wake back, the approach is much flatter and you dont have to slow down and dip in. you can hit it at high speed which gives distance, height and added danger if you :):):):) up.......
I have been pondering the same question too because I hit the first wake right behind the boat however, I have been wondering about trying flips off the second wake which are clean and somewhat steep. The first wake often times looks the biggest and steepest, but Buzz you got me thinking about how much of it is mush. My favorite is when the boat just takes off and hitting the first wake just before it planes off.

First wake is where it's at if you ask me. To get to the second wake you have to go over the first, I'd rather have a clean shot at the first one. Like you said the start up wake is the best. The white water doesn't hurt you because you should be accelerating up the wake. If anything on a start up or trolling wake you're getting pop where the top is rolling over. We could all argue back and forth about what's best, but do what you like best. Boat wakes don't kick like surf, so you have to start your pull and rotation early.


I'm moved by DASA power!
I think a lot of it depends on the boat, if you have a bow wake, you almost have to hit a later wake , we are rather fortunate to have a lot of people with really big cruising style boats coming and going from beach bar to beach bar, usually with people on the boat that they are trying to entertain and show a good time, we like to be the entertainment and most people trim up to help out the show. It all depends on the size and shape of the boat, but my .02. Ed pretty much showed me how to ride, first choice is first wake, plus if you have guys hitting different parts of the wake with a lot of people things can get a little hairy when you have guys doing big aerials and inverted tricks. Most of our guys go in in a somewhat orderly fashion to keep things less chaotic.


I'm moved by DASA power!
But to test your theory Buzz I might try a later wake or two this weekend, I'm not afraid to try something different. Every time you go out is an opportunity to learn something.
you have 2 freaks buzzard and still only ride yellow it seems lol. you guys get a lot of cruisers, I live in the land of the wake board and those wakes you have to hit way back 1 so you wont get a ticket from stupid laws and 2 they take time to build. wake surf boats re the best, all the wakes and rollers are the same 10 wakes back so even if the boat stops you can still hit them for awhile till they start up again
on a wake boat setup for surf the best wake is 3 feet behind the boat. on yacths it varys. if its moving fast then the best is the first, as close as you dare...


615 Freeriders are addicted to T1 madness.
cool vid, noce riding, Buz. I assume you know the dude on the SXR REALLY well as he rides right down the middle with skis flying at him from both directions (even coaches that react slower). Brave sole.
cool vid, noce riding, Buz. I assume you know the dude on the SXR REALLY well as he rides right down the middle with skis flying at him from both directions (even coaches that react slower). Brave sole.

yea, thats what sucks about them gopros, you gotta be right on to of the action to see anything. sxr chris obviously trusts our abilities, plus he isnt really even that close. like i always say, a miss is as good as a mile. as long as a collision NEVER happens, a near miss can add to the rush.


My home away from home.
Awesome vid and riding. I REALLY need to get down there. Definitely coming down when things cool off up here. Or sooner... I have one favorite boat up here that I haven't been able to hook up with for a couple years. But it's a surf boat and 3' off the back is sharp and solid. We really to watch it up here, cuz there's a lot of fools about when chasing wakes. Gotta love it when the guy on the boat looks at you and points at the back corner of the boat though!
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