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give me fuel give me fire
I know everyone seen them on the beach in the morning but was queennothing(my girl) the only one to get stung?
Worst possible time too... When those big waves were washing in during the cherry buster a manawar jellyfish stung her ankle. She said it was VERY painful.
steve's (WCF) daughter got stung too. apparently it hurt quite a bit. poor kid :(

sakit2me got some video of one squirming around on the sand. f'ing strange creatures..... a nervous system w/ no brain.... how the hell is that even an animal???

The Penguin

triple secret probation
all the ones I saw were Portuguese Man-o-war. they inflict probably the nastiest sting of anything found in coastal US waters (other than stingrays)

Adolph's meat tenderizer is the best remedy. Urine can also be used to relieve the pain.

Imagine the fun of pissing on your not-so-favorite X-H2O member in order to alleviate his painful jellyfish sting :biggrin:


Yeah, I saw a few of those little blue Portugese man o war thingys on the beach. I have heard that they hurt like a bitch compared to regular jellyfish. Someone said that if you pee on the affected area it will help ease the sting. Anyone else heard that???


give me fuel give me fire
Yeah the lifeguard guess said thats what stung her. They said they have gotten stung and it is worse than getting kicked in the nuts! besides the actual burn of the sting it affects your glands, and thats the most painful part.


Not After Fame & Fortune
i watched something on these guys the other night

Irukandji Jellyfish


they are really tiny like less than the size of a dollar bill and they can kill you.

crazy stuff, the researcher got stung and was in like terrible screaming pain for a day or 2.

Queen Nothing

kingnothings girl
Ottawa Lake, MI
well it was by far theee worst pain i have ever felt in my entire life. and the vinegar/ammonia mixture they put on it didnt ease the pain what-so-ever. so i'm not sure pissing on it actually works all that well. it is feeling much better today, aside from the vomiting &sore joints i experience all day yesterday. with that said, i will never stand in the ocean to take pictures of you boys ever again :frown:
Yeah the lifeguard guess said thats what stung her. They said they have gotten stung and it is worse than getting kicked in the nuts! besides the actual burn of the sting it affects your glands, and thats the most painful part.

Yeah I was talking to the Lifeguard about those yesterday. He said he got stung and it was by far the worst pain he has ever felt. He also said the scar lasted 3 years.:bigeyes:

Hope you feel better queennothing.:biggthumpup:


Анархия - мать порядка!
.... a nervous system w/ no brain.... how the hell is that even an animal???
Sounds like a perfect candidate for the most current US corporate/government middle-upper management job openings.
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