oh I went a bit crazy with my order with you last august... bought one of the couplers from you then when I built this ski....
"1. Black ADA girdled head kit complete(37cc domes) -Sale 329.
2. JM SS allen bling head bolt kit(10bolts/washers) Sale 15.
3. Rebuilt SN SJ OEM clean, used complete midshaft assembly 179.
4. NGK BR8ES solid tip longer reach spark plugs 4x 2.49
5. JM Yamasaki NEW OEM ignition coil(yellow sheathing) 139.
6. 61x carbon tech reeds 99. sale 89.
7. Oem style fuel filter 9.50
Parts associated with Bpipe install:
1. (black)ADA billet 45deg water bypass (pisser) 3/8" 12.
Factory Pipe headpipe gasket 8./ea.
3. (black)Silicone Coupler -Factory Pipe Bpipe headpipe to chamber 19.90
4. Silicone coupler for Factory Pipe 45deg -SJ chamber to SN waterbox 39.90
5. Bpipe Carb Jet Kit -plot/main jets/Popoff spring kit for oem single 44 12."
I'll be in touch about purchasing one of these waterboxes! As long as its quieter than a TDR waterbox…. lol