Custom/Hybrid Jetski Lost, looking for some help and ideas.

PLEASE don't give up. Every time I see a thread about a sunk ski my heart sinks. No pun. I couldn't imagine what it would be like. I would be out of commission for a year personally and all I have is a stock SN. So please, DO NOT give up.
I start school on monday, so I was putting as much time in to finding this as I could but com monday my time will be cut in half. I believe if I do not see it from the heli it has gone out too deep.
it sunk in Irondequoit Bay or out in Lake Ontario? Please try to describe where it might be and what the ski looks like...I'm from the area, talked to you briefly on the phone the other day, but now don't have my tow vehicle anymore and haven't been able to get up there. I will definitely keep an eye out for it on CL, etc.
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I found it!! The last chance, was the helicopter ride and, it was right where I left it! It was half buried, but I pulled it out and its completely fine. I already have the motor torn apart, and will be inspecting everything and putting it back together. Thanks to everyone who had faith in me! Ill post a video of it running once its back together. Ill post some videos later on, I have the whole thing on video, sinking and recovering.


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We were flying 50ft up, most of the time, but you could see it the best from 75ft-100ft. The last pass we did a hard turn and spotted it. The pics were taken from under water. The ski was sitting in 7ft of water, we swam/drove over at least 10 times. I took the ski completely apart, cleaned everything and put it back together and it runs perfect again! Gave it a bath and a fresh coat of wax.
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