Post number 31 bumped a 10 year old thread. That reply you are replying to probably didn't realize that the thread was bumped by a different person with a similar question. This thread was originally started in 2007.
@whit4300 deserves credit for using the search feature. Whit, Mike Grafas has a good solution. You can also look into a hitch hauler. I like my Versa-haul hitch hauler because it has a receiver on it. Once I unload the ski onto my bigfoot beach cart, I can connect the beach cart to the hitch hauler and tow it around. No bearings in a big foot, so I'm limited to idle.
Hitch haulers are bad for your suspension and I believe the hitch hauler and my toy hauler caused my front tires to wear prematurely (wore out at half their life with alignment in spec). Putting the ski in the bed is the better option.