Jetting is rich, what to change

I've got a 6m6 bottom with 61x top and a protec rec head paired with a protec pipe and protec dual carb intake with what I believe to be 40's on there... The butterfly has the mikuni jet symbol followed by 150 on it and the opening on top measures 40 mm. Anyway, it's rich. Way rich.... Eats a tank in an hour and there's no piston wash or plug color. It all gets washed off to the point of clean. Carbs have 105 main 100 pilot and popoff is around 15psi with home made gauge. I'm thinking popoff is too low.... Any ideas on what to Change? Thanks
I also have a single 44 and the single intake manifold for the 6m6... Would this be a better option as opposed to the dual 38 or 40's. I did some measuring and am
Leaning more towards the duals I have,
Being 38's


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38s have 3 bolt tops
44s have 4 bolt tops

Dual 44s probably too much for your motor, dual 38s will work better, sgl 44 just fine.


Super Hero, with a cape!
St. Pete, FL
I have absolutely no idea how your carbs should be jetted, but considering my 62t/61x dual 38s are 140/75@18, I would start by leaning out the pilot jet. Hopefully someone with specs can give them to you but I would see what happens with that.

Remember that going leaner on the bottom also means going leaner on the top at the same time, so be sure to watch the top and jet up the main as necessary.

Fro Diesel

creative control
Curious bc I have a carbon cover one screen and run 145, 75 30psi and want to try more carb settings on bpipe port cyl hanser 180psi.

OP did you figure out what carbs you are working with...HOPEFULLY SAME 38s ?
I am working with the three bolt tops 38's but they don't have the same internal protrusions in the throat as a spare set of 38's I have on the bench. Any how, after taking my carbs off and seeing how the protec manifold lined up with the 6m6 reed cage plate, I decided to do some epoxy ing and port matching lol. Turned out good! My spare 38's (came with ski along with other parts) had 110 main 67.5 pilot and upwards of 45 popoff. I changed my jetting to 110 main, 80 pilot and kept the original popoff (@15). Tuning I was still super rich. Settled at 1 turn out on hs and 1.5-1.75 on ls. It's weird because this isn't even close to 701 dual 38 b pipe jetting.... I don't know, but it rips and the plugs still show a tad rich
Before and after on the manifold and the crossover is eliminated
Plugs are still rich, piston tops are clean and wet and I'm on 7/8 on hs and close to 1.25 on ls. I don't get why this setting is running so good. The motor should be starving of fuel but it's not! Any ideas???


Super Hero, with a cape!
St. Pete, FL
If it runs good, and the plugs are dark, leave it alone. Or carefully richer it up or lean it out and see if performance improves.

One important thing I have learned is that people's definition of running good varies widely. I have ridden skis that people say run great and in my opinion they run horrible. This is an online forum full of hacks with a select few knowledgable people who usually don't post. Their specs are a starting point, not an end all.

Take me for example. I have no clue what I'm talking about but I'm still talking. I usually just do my best to help and disclose my level of expierince on the subject.

Here are some of my stories...
I accepted specs from 2 reputable sources and stuck a piston because they are not right for application even though I had the same parts (freestyle vs racing).
Another time I stuck a piston because I trusted my mechanic and didn't check his tuning.
I almost lost a 3rd motor but I checked the work and saw the compression and tuning was not right. Fortuantly I finally found a builder that does good work and that 3rd motor is holding strong.
I've been tryin to set my x2 up, and my research has finally revealed that the people riding x2s have different performance expectations that I do. I'm trying to get my x2 to run as well as theirs and after riding some I've found out mine already runs better. Someone rode my x2 and was super impressed and my response to them was no way it runs like poop.

So, my point is, who cares what others are jetting or what theory you read online. Performance is an art individual to each setup. Lots of people claim to be Picasso but if you see ntheir canvas it's really just some stick figures and Ms that are suppose to be birds.
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