300/440/550 Jetworks 550


Lancaster PA
Just got my 550 motor back from Art. He put some .050 pistons in it, put in a crankshaft out of a PJS lazerjet, fully ported for low end, shaved the head, rebuild the blackjack and set it up for this motor, and painted the whole thing. I am still building the rest of this ski right now but I hope it will be dont in a month or two. What you guys think of this motor.


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makin' legs
That's awesome! I'm sure it'll rip. The first motor he ever built for me was a race gas 650 motor that I ran in a 550 hull. I've got access to a 550sx that I'm planning to build with my nephew when he gets a couple of years older and Art will be doing the motor for it. Can't wait to hear how it runs.


Lancaster PA
I got a total loss on the way now and then I am going to send it to JSS to have it all checked out. I am just hoping I can get the pump to perform how I want it to.


Lancaster PA
I think you will need a 650/750 pump....or maybe weld in a ring overn the nozzle and drill it .. a lot... :) + a v.good impeller...

I am worried about the pump but I am not going to put a 650 or 750 pump in there at lease not yet I would have to talk myself into that job haha. As for the nozzle the stock one I have on there now is bored but if that doesnt work out I found a company that has ones on ebay that are aftermarket and have a larger nozzle. Cant remember the measurement but it was a good bit bigger if I remember right.
Art told me to run a 13-16 skat trak with it. I got one now and its nothing facny no swirl,hooker,c-75 etc. but we will see how it works out I guess.
I also have a lightweight driveshaft on the way and the jetpump and driveline bearings/seals rebuild kits. I will rebuild them and then fill them with oil instead of grease to cut down drag.


Lancaster PA
I have mine bore already but I remember seeing JRE ones on there around a year ago that were a lot bigger then you could bore your stock one to. I can remember the size but I want to say it was a good 5-6mm bigger then you could bore the stock one.


CFL Cheapass.
Oviedo, Fl
Just know you CAN go too big on a 550 nozzle... more than 4mm and you lose your pressures. Same results as a wet wolf cone. No good. If your intent on going big though, epoxy some band clamps around the nozzle when you bore it out. you can basically go down to paper thin then and get about 3mm out.

Other than that I'd say.... GO for the pump swap!


Lancaster PA
Just know you CAN go too big on a 550 nozzle... more than 4mm and you lose your pressures. Same results as a wet wolf cone. No good. If your intent on going big though, epoxy some band clamps around the nozzle when you bore it out. you can basically go down to paper thin then and get about 3mm out.

Other than that I'd say.... GO for the pump swap!

Your saying if the nozzle is bored too big you loose your pressure. Couldnt you fix this by running a bigger prop which would process more water and put that lost pressure back in your pump. I know that this motor put more strain on the motor and you would have to have the power to pull it but just what I was thinking about in the long run in the current set up is just not cutting it.
So have you run the motor that Art ported for you yet? Im curious about his porting. Im looking into either him or Group K to port my 550. I heard that Harry is conservative on his porting.


Lancaster PA
No I didnt run this motor yet but I will tell you first hand I had group K port my 440 motor last year. After I took it all apart I found there was not too much changed with it. I was getting 165psi compression with fresh bored pistons and I was running the copper head gasket that ment for the hammer 105octane kit he has. The exhaust port was widened to about 66% and polished and the trasfers were not touched. Really it was just a home port job.
Art did the real deal on the motor with a full port job and was helping me put together the rest of the build. I would really go with jetworks if I was you.
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