Jetworks Flow Control Valve.


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We were just talking about this the other day here on the X. Steve at WF has melted/warped one and I warped a pvc T once also(lasted 3 months) and it started blowing exhaust into the engine compartment choking the motor off. You never know how long it will last.


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Cleveland Ohio
So, basically I should just check to make sure it is letting water through at a decent RPM and keep an eye on any plastic parts after it melting.


Liquid Insanity
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New York Crew
I was wondering the same thing for my SXR, but with the jet in the stinger, isn't it pretty dry already? And if you do run it, would you remove the jet?
i wouldnt recommend a jet and a flow control valve since theyre both adjustable.

I'm running a FCV then a 3mil restrictor before my stinger. It just keeps the pipe dryer when the FCV is flowing water. Right now during the winter I am having a hard time even keeping my pipe hot with dual cooling so the restrictor helps with that.
I'm running a FCV then a 3mil restrictor before my stinger. It just keeps the pipe dryer when the FCV is flowing water. Right now during the winter I am having a hard time even keeping my pipe hot with dual cooling so the restrictor helps with that.

Except when my lines are clogged:rolleyes: :biggrin:
you can use a pop off guage test when it pops open call art at jetworks im sure he can fill you in about what pop off you want or how and what to set it at to work properly.
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Also, give em a credit card no#, your place of work addy, and you will have the stuff the next day...
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makin' legs
I am running B-pipe & dual water. Does anyone have a recomended starting point as far as pop off preasure on this FCV?????

Not really a pop recommendation, but I set mine so it opens around 3000ish on the trailer. Never had any trouble melting anything on mine with that setting, even when towing a boat. Depending on what, if any restrictions you have and then exact plumbing scheme you use, it might be safer to just go by rpm.



615 Freeriders are addicted to T1 madness.
yeah, just figured I would check w/ PO ga before even installing to get it close. I will do RPM check tomorrow. I set it at like 12 psi to start???????


makin' legs
yeah, just figured I would check w/ PO ga before even installing to get it close. I will do RPM check tomorrow. I set it at like 12 psi to start???????

It's hard to check with a regular popoff gauge because you can't get sufficient volume to seat the ball hard enough to seal. For some reason, 4 psi comes to mind. The valve doesn't see a lot of water pressure where it's located because it's downstream of the bypass T. A 2 or 3 mm restrictor after the FC valve will help build pressure and also aids in keeping the box dry as does putting it on the through leg of the T. Make sense. Sounds confusing to me.:wink:

Waterdawg Kustomz

Pac NW
12 psi is to much. Only if you have a dedicated water line to the stinger would I recommend that. Start at 3-4 psi and go from there. Also, you should set up the headpipe and stinger as one circuit allowing more pressure and greater response. Don't use a line off the head. Try using one of your lines to cool the motor, and the other to feed the headpipe and stinger. You should also restrict the stinger to a 100 main jet in addition to the flow control valve. You can give me a call if you want and I will explain it to you even better. You know the number!!! lol

12 psi is to much. Only if you have a dedicated water line to the stinger would I recommend that. Start at 3-4 psi and go from there. Also, you should set up the headpipe and stinger as one circuit allowing more pressure and greater response. Don't use a line off the head. Try using one of your lines to cool the motor, and the other to feed the headpipe and stinger. You should also restrict the stinger to a 100 main jet in addition to the flow control valve. You can give me a call if you want and I will explain it to you even better. You know the number!!! lol


This is exactly how I am setting mine up right now, minus the 100 main jet. Maybe I'll give that a try too.
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