John Havell

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Thanks to all so much for checking up on me(Has been a HUGE help), I still can't feel alot of my face, and of course I can't feel my nose. Doc said it might take up to a year for the nerves to fully recover. My band has been together for a year(thanks for the pics Dion), we play anything from Rev. Horton Heat, Straycats, Setzer, to Seether, Chili peppers, Nickelback, the Killers, violent femmes, Chevelle etc. We play all the best clubs in the area. Ronny Mac thanks for not showing the real graphic face pics I don't know if I ever want to see them. Nick, That humpty pic is off the hook.
Thanks to all so much for checking up on me(Has been a HUGE help), I still can't feel alot of my face, and of course I can't feel my nose. Doc said it might take up to a year for the nerves to fully recover. My band has been together for a year(thanks for the pics Dion), we play anything from Rev. Horton Heat, Straycats, Setzer, to Seether, Chili peppers, Nickelback, the Killers, violent femmes, Chevelle etc. We play all the best clubs in the area. Ronny Mac thanks for not showing the real graphic face pics I don't know if I ever want to see them. Nick, That humpty pic is off the hook.

he he he.... I'm comming down there in a couple months to see pat... I definitely wanna go see ya jam when i do...


Site Supporter
Cleveland Ohio
Rock on bro. You guys play some cool sheeot. I would love to hear some fems and Chilis with the Big ol stand up bass.

Thanks to all so much for checking up on me(Has been a HUGE help), I still can't feel alot of my face, and of course I can't feel my nose. Doc said it might take up to a year for the nerves to fully recover. My band has been together for a year(thanks for the pics Dion), we play anything from Rev. Horton Heat, Straycats, Setzer, to Seether, Chili peppers, Nickelback, the Killers, violent femmes, Chevelle etc. We play all the best clubs in the area. Ronny Mac thanks for not showing the real graphic face pics I don't know if I ever want to see them. Nick, That humpty pic is off the hook.

Fro Diesel

creative control
It was cool to be out there riding with you Johnny. face injuries suck. I had my jaw wired shut for 6weeks a few summers ago. At least you should be all healed up by summer time. In the meantime i hope you feel better than this guy. No pain and no feeling is better than feeling like poo.

Buffalo NY
John, Good to hear your doing better. I shut my camera off seconds before you did your jump, I was on the lifeguard chair. I watched in freakin awe as you hit that wave though bro, awsome stuff. As for the aftermath from right after you became separted from your boat in the surf, I have it all on video. So if you ever want to see it, just holla....



toronto canada
got to see him and his band play in sarrasota fla they are really a lot of fun, if you are in the area check them out THE BONESHAKERS they have a website just goggle their name


got to see him and his band play in sarrasota fla they are really a lot of fun, if you are in the area check them out THE BONESHAKERS they have a website just goggle their name

Damn bro--You should of sent me a PM---I would have met up with you guys for a drink!! My wife works right (bartender) around the corner from where he usually plays on the weekend... And Wavedemon knows how my wife can make drinks....... :Banane35:
Damn bro--You should of sent me a PM---I would have met up with you guys for a drink!! My wife works right (bartender) around the corner from where he usually plays on the weekend... And Wavedemon knows how my wife can make drinks....... :Banane35:

AAAwwww that would of been awesome, the dog and I would of loved to met you and the wife (canadians LOOOVE bartenders...hehehehe) for that time though as we come down as often as we can...:thewave:
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