Well, then Malone would have to be disqualified.
SXR Bottom Deck Design with a Polaris Motor.
Yea, but Malone "tried" to make the upper hull look like a Polaris witch would make it legal.... they need to throw all rules out the window.
Here are the rules
28.3.4 Hull Bottom: The hull bottom may be modified or aftermarket but
cannot exceed the length or width of the original equipment upper deck
component of the bond flange as measured by a plumb bob (bumpers
removed). Fins, rudders, skegs and other appendages that may create
a hazard will not be allowed.
28.3.5 Top Deck: The top deck of a freestyle watercraft may be modified or
aftermarket, providing the following: The top deck must resemble the
original top deck of the homologated watercraft; length and width of top
deck must be within 0.50 inch (13mm) of the original component; and the
craft must function as originally intended. Fuel fillers may be relocated
internally. The deck and hull must be joined by the same method as
the original hull and deck (e.g., bonded together with a high-strength
adhesive). If upper and lower components of the original equipment
bond flange are separated and rejoined, they must be rejoined by the
same method as original equipment.
28.4.1 Engine – Amateur Freestyle Class I: Amateur Freestyle Class I
competitors will utilize Open class rules for engine modifications and
other allowed modifications except the hull bottom and deck. The
maximum displacement for Ski Division and Sport Division watercraft in
Amateur Freestyle Class I competition is 800cc. For those competing
on Runabout Division watercraft in Amateur Freestyle the engine
displacement must not exceed 1300 cc for two-stroke watercraft and
2000cc for four-stroke watercraft.