js insurance


How did I get here?
Fort Worth
Search the forum for insurance threads. You'll find more then 1.

As near as I can tell, most don't have it.

Does your state require it? Are you accident prone or do you ride your ski in an unsafe manner? Is the lake/beach you go to often packed and boating accidents are common?

EDIT: I forgot to mention I don't have it on any of my 3.
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I have full coverage on all 3 skis. Most of my time I ride on Lake Travis where we have a good amounts of death related accidents each year because people like to drink and boat.


Squarenose for the _____
Myrtle Beach, SC
Not to jack, but does anyone have Geico? I am covered by their auto insurance, and I was thinking I could check them out for powers sports stuff, too.


Chasing waves.
Daytona Beach
Not to jack, but does anyone have Geico? I am covered by their auto insurance, and I was thinking I could check them out for powers sports stuff, too.

My buddy had Geico on his boat and they paid salvage/everything else, when it sank. Completely painless. I will use them next year.
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