Just A Little Mid March Riding In Huntsville, AL At The River


Parts Whore
Fairmont, WV
It was just the little stream where the boat launch was. The river wasn't dirty at all. It rained two days straight on Thurs and Fri.

I like to wait for a huge downpour for several days and then go ride. The high water and swift currents make for some interesting navigating. Especially when you are jumping over floating trees and dodging the trash floating in the water...
Especially when you are jumping over floating trees and dodging the trash floating in the water...

i hear that our lake is very high right now about a foot and half above summer pool. it has logs and limbs floating all over the place now, i spent most of yesterday dogging that crap


Parts Whore
Fairmont, WV
Yesterday the water was a little chilly but not nearly as bad as in March. I wore my neoprene socks, skate shoes, farmer john wet suit so no arms, only a tank top style, life vest, neoprene gloves, and a tour coat. Not much to complain about except.....


YZ smoked a nice flat spot opn his trailer tire. The fender mount broke and basically became a big band brake locking up the wheel. After driving a hundred yeards he finally pulled over to see where all the smoke was coming from. Looks like he will have to visit wally world to get a new tire.
It's all good. It only hear flop flop flop flop if I have the window down! bwahaha! It was worth it for the kick azz ride we had.

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Parts Whore
Fairmont, WV
Nothing a patch won't fix. Like I said and I quote: "If that is the worst that happens today, it will be a good day." Next time pull over a little sooner though...
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Parts Whore
Fairmont, WV
Turf is for wusses! I need to turf both my skis too... :(

Does that X2 your buddy has, have a seat?

I am down to ride this weekend. Just give one of us a call or PM.
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