Just Bought a Tent

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1 hp./1.83lbs
St. Louis
Katie and I were looking for a new tent LOL and it lead us to this the 2008 Ttasca Navion 24' with a Mercedes diesel and it gets 17 MPG.:biggrin: with a tow capacity of 3500 LBS and one bump out now we just need to wait a year or two to be able to afford one used with a few miles on it. I keep the brochure on my desk so I don't forget.


Seventeen miles per gal.? Maybe in one of those vacume bags.


ISJWTA member #5
Holts Summit, MO
uhh, I think have a doctors appt that weekend, sorry guys I cant make it!

Don't be a baby. I'll let you use my hot dog cookers one night if you show up.

So whats the recipe for the rummy worms? Do you soak the worms in rum for a couple hours, days, weeks, or what????? Please tell me I have a party to attend this weekend and need something new to bring.

Moondance PLEASE PM me if you don't want everybody else to know.


Just plain me....
Don't be a baby. I'll let you use my hot dog cookers one night if you show up.

So whats the recipe for the rummy worms? Do you soak the worms in rum for a couple hours, days, weeks, or what????? Please tell me I have a party to attend this weekend and need something new to bring.

Moondance PLEASE PM me if you don't want everybody else to know.
I WANT to use the hot dog cookers. I've seen the marshmallow roasters too...those are funny too.

The worms are no secret...just soak in rum, the longer the better.


ISJWTA member #2
NW Arkansas
The worms were good honestly, TOO good, I was hurting the morning after.

Ski Crazy,

feel free to feed me at the ride site with your cool hot dog cooker, and at the campsite feel free to come and partake in the pork butt Ill have in the little smoker.


Just plain me....
The worms were good honestly, TOO good, I was hurting the morning after.

Ski Crazy,

feel free to feed me at the ride site with your cool hot dog cooker, and at the campsite feel free to come and partake in the pork butt Ill have in the little smoker.
omg....I can't believe you just admitted my worms are good. I think I'm gonna cry.:wink:


ISJWTA member #5
Holts Summit, MO
I WANT to use the hot dog cookers. I've seen the marshmallow roasters too...those are funny too.

The worms are no secret...just soak in rum, the longer the better.

Thanks Moondance, just feed Mouth a bunch of rummy worms and he'll probably forget about the hot dog cookers and you can use them all for yourself. HeHeHe

If the hot dog cookers are going to be that big of a hit I might have to make some more so I can hand them out.


ISJWTA member #5
Holts Summit, MO
The worms were good honestly, TOO good, I was hurting the morning after.

Ski Crazy,

feel free to feed me at the ride site with your cool hot dog cooker, and at the campsite feel free to come and partake in the pork butt Ill have in the little smoker.

Mouthfulloflake I might have to trade you a hot dog cooker for some of that pork butt.


ISJWTA member #5
Holts Summit, MO
No kidding!

I sure hope you NWA guys plan to hang out with us at camp, yall are welcomed to come and eat/drink and watch Ketsair dress up as Mary.

I thought he was dressing like Joe Dirt? Who's Mary?

The pics from last year look like you had a good time. Now if we can get Aqua and Fountain to stick around longer.


ISJWTA member #2
NW Arkansas

By the way, the large red and white thing on the right side is NOT the tent, thats the cooler full of diet mountain dew.

the tiny red/grey thing on the left is the casa de shonuff.

and of course there is the silver station wagon/mini van thing too.

That looks like aqua's tent from when he was like 12 years old. He needs a new one also.
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