Kaw. brakes locking up


1 hp./1.83lbs
St. Louis
Hello, my buddies 02 kx 250 rear brake slowly locks up after about four laps. The pads are new the linkage works fine no dirt or mud, its a very clean and well maintained bike. This has been going on for about a year. We bleed it he even rode around not using or touching the pedel. Any suggestions ... to repair this bike.... not to start a yamaha buy post. Thanks
make sure there is some free play in the back break pedal. if there's not, it will drag heating the fluid and causing it to lock. this is very common if they are out of adjustment.


Parts Whore
Fairmont, WV
Check the floating caliper pins, make sure they are greased. Then check the pins the brake pads hang on, if they have any grooves in them, replace them.


1 hp./1.83lbs
St. Louis
Mark Yes, this is Shangs bike we rode Sunday at Archview mx.com Its a great track 15 min from my house to the sign in tower. I'll tell him all the good repair advice thanks.
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