SX/SXi/SXi Pro Kaw SXI PRO - Kill switch will not shut down the ski!


I picked up a SXI Pro about two months ago 100% stock, runs strong but the kill switch wouldn’t shut off the ski, ordered a new start/kill switch from JSS, still will not shut off the ski. Has anyone had this problem before? Any suggestions?

Just spent the last two months fixing the fiber glass and paint now I want to ride!!! Thank for any help!

I had this same problem on a 550sx I had. I started replacing everything I could think of. Nothing seemed to work. I finally decided to replace the kill switch wiring and finally found the problem. The wires had rubbed through and actually broken apart where the handle pole articulates. Check your wiring for breaks.
check for corrosion inside the 4 pin connector between box and switch had the same problem with my sxr. threw a new connector in there worked immediately.
Typically its the switch itself, they get moisture in them and rust. If you replaced the switch and wiring to the ebox I would look into the ground wire inside the ebox. I have been fighting this same problem for two years now. mine turned out to be that ground in the ebox and also a torn boot behind the stop switch button that was letting water in.


You have a ground issue (broked or corroded wire) somewhere. Since you replaced the switch, I'd focus on the ebox. There has to be a black wire in there that doesn't connect to a ground anymore.
New Switch, New Connection form switch to ebox, still will not kill the motor. guess I have to dig into the ebox and I a bit nervous.

One jet ski shop said it might be the igniter itself? Any thoughts on that?

Thanks everyone for the help.
I have had this same problem twice before and agree with stg5685 both times it was corrosion in the four pin connector...I cleaned it up and problem solved..
what i would do test the each wire with a volt meter or circuit tester on either side of the 4pin and make sure you have the same on both sides thats how i found my problem just nick the wire with a razerblade
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