Kawasaki 750 running away..tricky spots?

So I thought the gasket at the adapter was leaking and causing a runaway. I used the cheap eBay gaskets first time then gaskets and a thin coat of rtv this last time but had a leak after about 5minutes of riding. I pressure tested this engine last night so that is the only possible place for it to be leaking now. I used black RTV when I put it together. The engine held 7# for 10 minutes.


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Dude. That thing is flush with new gaskets and a thin coat of black rtv. Warmed it a little above idle for about 5 seconds then 3 hard braps and it wanted to start running away on the third then did on the 4th. This is stupid
It is common for the tank vent check valve to stick closed. Single carbs are super easy to get the idle mixture set. Close the bottom screw to find peak rpm then open it to slow it down. The screws final position will vary.


walking on water
Any air bubbles in your fuel supply can cause a run away. My SXR has done it to me when I get back running on Reserve and I try to clean out the water box.

Check your fuel lines...and gas tank.
Get you one of these...buy or borrow it if possible, use the oxygen side only and concentrate a small amount of oxygen on all the gaskets below the head gasket (base gasket, intake manifold, carb etc.) do what you can for oxygen around the crank seals too and listen for the engine to rev up when the oxygen finds its way into the leaking area. This will tell you what's leaking and where. Also test the throttle shaft for excessive play because if the bushings are shot and that shaft has a lot of movement up and down with the throttle fully open then you're going to have an uncontrolled lean condition. A throttle shaft rebuild kit will be needed and it might be a good idea to do anyway if it has never been done to your knowledge.

But do you really want combustible/explosive fumes concentrated inside a small engine compartment with open to atmosphere battery connections and the possibility of a backfire with flame front up the carb or an exhaust coupler popping off or ripping at that perfect time?
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Thanks! I think I had a tiny bit of air getting in my fuel line right at the tank when it was vibrating a lot. I couldn’t get the lines to show any signs of leaking by blowing or sucking on them but when I took a piece of clear fuel line straight from in the tank to the carb and turned my ls jet out it will no longer run away! So ls screw is out 4 turns now when it was at1 1/2 - 2. I’ll try to get it to water soon and hope for the best!

You guys would have loved to see me ride my x2 with the hood cracked after blowing the chamber out of the coupler. It ran like poop and was blowing fuel all over until bam! I had a wetsuit helmet and glasses on so.. make sure the fires out out and try again. haha
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