Because most Yamaha fan boys first owned a Kawi before a Yamaha???why are there more Yamaha fan boys commenting on this than anything?
I mean the red 2024 is the best its looked since 2022 with the bronze highlights.At best it's a 2024 with BNG .
It wouldn't be jetskiing community without weird brand tribalism.why are there more Yamaha fan boys commenting on this than anything?
You guys need to ride your skis more, stop wrenching and go ride....
Its This one time, at ski camp, I stuck a stick in my point was you guys are trolls
This is a post about a new hood on an existing ski, and we're getting your life stories
Stop making sense!! You'll upset all the chest pounding narcissists. Geez Louise.....Because most Yamaha fan boys first owned a Kawi before a Yamaha???When you know, you know...
There is nothing wrong with Kawasaki products, I just prefer the way Yamaha makes and builds their products.
I'm the odd one out here, I LIKED the 3D and still do. Never ridden it thoughAs I have said before about a zillion times , there is a reason they make Ford , Chevys and Dodges , one size does not fit all.
Personally I like Kawis , that should be obvious by now , but I also have a Superjet and at Seadoo 3D , the funny part is I have been in this long enough to see Kawi and Yamaha four stroke peeps not being able to make fun of the 3D anymore , look at that Yacht you are riding now, sue me I am an equal opportunity offender.
It needed to go on a diet and they should have put a carbed engine in it but I will rectify those issues on mine soon enough , it already lost some weight when I removed that silly ass seat under the handlepole , that mass of exhaust resonators and hoses they put in there and the fuel pump, canister ,still looking to see where I can shed some more weight on it.I'm the odd one out here, I LIKED the 3D and still do. Never ridden it though
It's gonna be 42 on Saturday here. I'll be riding.I
Its This one time, at ski camp, I stuck a stick in my pump.
My uncle has one. Honestly not as bad as people make it out to be, but not really good at anything. The seated kart position was a HUGE hit with us as kids though.I'm the odd one out here, I LIKED the 3D and still do. Never ridden it though