Other Kawasaki & Yamaha Flywheels 61X – 62T - 64X - 66E - 65U - 650 - 750 - 800


Carolina Beach Freeride
Wilmington N.C.
I have a 61X flywheel in a 62T motor that I would like to trade in for a lightened one. Also does anodized red cost extra? I'd pay full price upfront and you could refund difference once you receive my flywheel.
Will a lightened flywheel cause loss of top end? And does it matter that i'm a heavy person (370lbs so basically as if 2 people are on the ski) If not i would be interested in buying a flywheel outright because sending mine to you would be more expensive than buying it outright. If you can ship it to the Netherlands, for a Yamaha XLT800 (2004). Please send me an e-mail @ don_her@hotmail.com

PS: What's the use/effect of a bored nozzle?
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Hi there!
I'm looking for 62t Lightened Flywheel 2.1-2.3 lbs used have you got same?
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