Kawi SXI Pro or Yamaha Superjet for new rider on lakes?


ISJWTA member #2
NW Arkansas
anyone who told you a sj rides similar to an SXI hasnt ridden either more than once.

the SXR is a good boat, but its not in your $1500 price range.
its also heavy for cruising the lake having fun.

the SUPERJET is the better platform for an all around fun boat. ( over a 750sx, or 750sxi)
everyone keeps saying SJ but why? then I talk to friends and others and say both the SXI/SRX and Superjets are very similar riding... I won't be racing so not sure if that makes a difference. I am looking for a stock ski to screw around on my lake with.

the sj is all around better in stock form. more power, handles better etc.....
if you want a nice reliable ski to ride get the SJ. last year i had 2 kawis and was under the hood constantly. i just build an sj and the only time i have to work on it now is if i get a cool new part ;)
i know everyone seems biased, but it just cause they have been there done that and then had to buy a superjet lol

best thing you can do is ride a few different ski's and you will see the light. i didnt read everything, where are you from?
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are the square nose superjets nearly as fun, fast, dependable or manuverable as the newer round nose sj's?

pretty much same ski. there are a few differences, but nothing major. for example i have a square hull and everything bolted to it (almost) is 2000 model and up.


Always On
Is this diggler? argueing with advice
I have owned a 75osx,sxi and all three sj's I'd say just start with the sj then there is no need to upgrade. The sj is more of a freestyle platform and the kawi is a race platform. Don't get me wrong you can do tricks on a kawi but the extra weight makes them alot harder to accomplish


Region 7 AM Freestyle
Get a superjet handsdown RN or Sn,If you don't get a SJ you will basically be wasting your money because you will get one down the road eventually anyway.


Ride for life
North NJ
Dude, skip all that old crap and buy a SXR.
They can be had used for around 3k. Your a bigger dude and the sxr has the largest tray. For all around rec riding the sxr can't be beat. They also can carve turns for days.
Go Green


Get a superjet. It's 50lbs lighter than the sxi and the sxr. That is reason enough right there, you will have to spend a ton of money on a sxi or sxr to get rid of the feeling of that extra weight.

The superjet rides up wakes and allows you to jump them much easier whereas the sxr and other kawi's plow right through the wakes. I had a 750sx and I sold it for this very reason. The 750 was a fun ski, but my Superjet is 10x as much fun. The Superjet has more low end than a kawi motor too. I've ridden built versions of both, and I like the Superjet much better for goofing off at the lake.
Is this diggler? argueing with advice
I have owned a 75osx,sxi and all three sj's I'd say just start with the sj then there is no need to upgrade. The sj is more of a freestyle platform and the kawi is a race platform. Don't get me wrong you can do tricks on a kawi but the extra weight makes them alot harder to accomplish

I own a couple 650sx skis and they are a blast. I'm probably going to move up to a 750sxi (pro) because they are more plentiful around here and much cheaper. Eventually I'll get a superjet when I find the right one, but I'm sure a 750sxi will be a major upgrade to my 650sx skis. I can find 750sxi for under 2k in good shape whereas a superjet around here is 2500+ for same model years.

baby steps.. baby steps..


Liquid Insanity
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Vendor Account
New York Crew
If you are looking to keep it stock and spend under 2K, it really does not matter which one you get, unless you plan to mod it in the future, or can find a killer deal on a factory piped, foot hold installed SN SJ. Then get that! :headbang:


Cape Coral FL,
Just get both then decide which one you want to keep.
I have both and have decided to keep them both.
My Sxi pro is heavier but it carves like it's on rails.
The SJ is lighter and quicker out of the hole, but cannot keep up with the Sxi pro on a buoy course.


Squarenose FTW
Site Supporter
I gave my 750SX to my 13 year old son
after I got my squarenose as a "backup ski"
I ride the 750 about every dozen or so rides to remind me why I ride the superjet!
Kawi is good, but Yami is better!!!!



Squarenose FTW
Site Supporter
Do it! Well worth the extra 800, or better yet find a SN with a 701 for the same $$
I have both, and the SJ is much better than Kawi for freestyle, riding, basically everything

Midlake Crisis

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Bakersfield, CA
Was about to get a 1998 kaw sxi pro. But might have to spend the $800 more and get a 1997 yamaha superjet..
I was gung ho Superjet guy for years but I had a lot of frustrating recurring mechanical issues.
I lucked in to a pair of Kawis, 650sx and SXiPro for a deal I couldn't pass up.
I still want to get my Superjet back up to speed but I will say that I have had a ton of fun on both of my Kawis. The SXi Pro is stock except the impeller, and I can toss it around pretty good. My 650sx has a lot of bolt-ons, and more importantly front and rear footholds that make it a blast as well. I admit I want more power in the 650sx (I am installing a Factory Pipe this week), and if all my skis were running right I would go with the Superjet, but there is a lot to be said for reliability. All these skis are a lot of fun, know what kind of riding you want to do and try before you buy are good thoughts, and riding is better than wrenching, so try to find something in good shape no matter what brand it is.


Auf Deutsch bitte
Bakersfield, i notice your SXI Pro is a 2001. So that's not the Keihin carburators.

Do you know Dan up in Lancaster ? btw. u being in bakersfield. I guess a lot of standup guys go to him. On Craigslist, los angeles, if you do 'super jet' you'll see his 2002 and 1996. The 1997 on CL for $3,500 in Palmdale, is one of his skiis (that someone bought from him and now is selling )

I was looking at a 1998 SXI Pro. Should i try to get a 2001 or newer ? They have the MIKUNI carburators, correct ?

Midlake Crisis

Site Supporter
Bakersfield, CA
Bakersfield, i notice your SXI Pro is a 2001. So that's not the Keihin carburators.

Do you know Dan up in Lancaster ? btw. u being in bakersfield. I guess a lot of standup guys go to him. On Craigslist, los angeles, if you do 'super jet' you'll see his 2002 and 1996. The 1997 on CL for $3,500 in Palmdale, is one of his skiis (that someone bought from him and now is selling )

I was looking at a 1998 SXI Pro. Should i try to get a 2001 or newer ? They have the MIKUNI carburators, correct ?
I haven't met Dan. Unfortunately I also don't know the differences by year in the 750s either. I do know that "Pro" has superior construction and slightly different handling characteristics, the motor is set forward a bit from the others, but not much info beyond that. I did ride Standupnation 's older 750sx, he had put dual carbs and down-propped it for bottom end, and I have to say that it was a blast too. He has moved on to bigger and better things but it was a capable all-around rec ski. The footholds needed padding but other than that I think he was crazy to sell it. . . .
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