I have the NRS Grizzly john medium suit cause I'm hard to fit at only 5'7 but over 200lbs. It fist me perfectly. I'm sure their regular john suit is of the same quality. When this one wears out, I'll be buying the same one again. My ONLY issue is that the knee padding is starting to break down just a bit, that's it. I'd suggest keeping the shoulder straps snapped and velcroed and just slip your arm in and out. It's a bit hard to get them hooked back up when you are wearing it. A word of warning, they have a zipper that goes up from the bottom and down from the top when it's zipped. If you go commando under and the bottom zipper works its way up, you might be in for a surprise. I was at a lake, came in to the beach and was walking around, a little girl was standing there and looked right in and said "you're harry". That little girl just about got more than she bargained for. If I'm commando, I wear shorts over them just in case.