kitty died

The Penguin

triple secret probation
well - not too bad.

I was riding Friday afternoon and immediately after landing a jump - my ski made the most gawdawful noise I may have ever heard.

a sound like when you step on a cat would be the closest description.

So I swam the boat in and tried to assess the situation. Out of water, the motor ran fine - but in water - horrible noise...and no forward motion. So, the pump and midshaft were suspect. back to the house to start taking stuff apart.

I was intending to do a motor swap that night anyway, but when I looked in the hull - I saw something I didn't like...a black rubber donut.

so I went ahead with removing the motor and found that all four motor mounts were busted.

further examination revealed that the source of the initial problem was a spun midshaft. I wish I could take a picture of it - it's damn near smooth - not even a hint of a spline left in it.

Of course I have 4 new motor mounts at home (90 miles away), along with a used midshaft. I had brought 3 used mounts from home for some reason, so just needed 1 mount and a midshaft. Wave Chaser and QuickMick were coming the next day so I called them and located some parts.

I wish this story had a happier ending - but QuickMick brought a mount for a blaster - so I had to be a boat whore on Saturday and the surf was kickin. Dammit. :banghead:

so carnage for the weekend - 4 motor mounts, 1 midshaft, 1 driveshaft


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Speak up ,don't kiss azz
Your mounts gave way and that was the cause of your midshaft failure.
It's a biotch of a job fixing everything associated with a double shaft failure .

Holy Shiot ,clean that bilge my man .
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So long and thanks for all the fish
I am a member of the dirty bilge club too, and to me it's a sign the ski gets ridden instead of cleaned.

I'm just waiting (dreading) the day my midshaft goes. They all do eventually, and mine is the original from 96 AFAIK.

Big Kahuna

Tuscaloosa, AL
let me rephrase, If your alignment is perfect, you can expect many years of use out of it. It may never wear out..............

but if it is out of alignment, they you can expect it to strip... I installed a new Midshaft, got 2 rides out of it and it stripped out because of misalignment.

The Penguin

triple secret probation
I am pleased to report the patient has emerged from surgery!

An initial post-op evaluation shows her new heart & lungs to be in good working order - and her new jugs look great!
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