Knoxville wake junkies Video!!!


CFL Cheapass.
Oviedo, Fl
oregon ATC - 2000? please tell me thats not 640x480 at 30 fps....?

Cause I was hopin it would look better than that and I would buy one.


9 years to retirement...
Tampa Bay
If that's the Oregon ATC, the quality is actually darn good. My OS looked like crud, and it works intermittently- most of the times not at all. I am switching to the setup when I get a few extra bucks.
Great vid, by the way. Gave me inspiration to go riding tomorrow and try some sh**!


Freighter wake hunter
Portland, OR
oregon ATC - 2000? please tell me thats not 640x480 at 30 fps....?

Cause I was hopin it would look better than that and I would buy one.
What you are seeing is what YouTube does to it if you're not careful. Here is some of our gang's ATC2000 video in the surf off the Washington coast that has not been through YouTube:
Surf vid

I'm guessing he used Windows MovieMaker since it's included in Windows XP. At the end he chose to output for web. That makes a nice small file size of a couple meg for the web. That is supposed to be the final version that goes on a web site. When YouTube recompresses the video it turns to crap.

What you need to is do a some advanced output settings and output a file that is under the 100meg YouTube limit like maybe 60 or 70 meg. It takes a long time to upload but it looks so much better.


Knoxville TN
Hi, thanks for the replies. :)

Hey rasper99 what what program do you use for editing.
I'm Using windows movie maker.
The avi format that the camera is recording in is not supported by movie maker or windows media player, i have to convert it to wma format so i can edit it. by the time it reaches you tube its already been compressed 2 times,
do you have any pointers how get my videos as good as your video quality.

Sweet video! guys aren't too far from Nashville.:thinking:

What lake do you ride on in K-town?

We ride Knoxville downtown river/loudon lake On Vols home games because there is a sh*t load of big boats that come thru, heading towards the stadium. On non vol days we ride concord next to the concord marina where they keep 30-60+cruisers, Its like an artificial ocean, non stop big wakes. :)
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Rick James Edition
Music City, TN
Hi, thanks for the replies. :)

Hey rasper99 what what program do you use for editing.
I'm Using windows movie maker.
The avi format that the camera is recording in is not supported by movie maker or windows media player, i have to convert it to wma format so i can edit it. by the time it reaches you tube its already been compressed 2 times,
do you have any pointers how get my videos as good as your video quality.

We ride Knoxville downtown river/loudon lake On Vols home games because there is a sh*t load of big boats that come thru, heading towards the stadium. On non vol days we ride concord next to the concord marina where they keep 30-60+cruisers, Its like an artificial ocean, non stop big wakes. :)

We just might be in for a ride on the 28th of this month. Thats the next home game against NC.
Would you Knoxville junkies be down for another home game ride?


Freighter wake hunter
Portland, OR
Hi, thanks for the replies. :)

Hey rasper99 what what program do you use for editing.
I'm Using windows movie maker.
The avi format that the camera is recording in is not supported by movie maker or windows media player, i have to convert it to wma format so i can edit it. by the time it reaches you tube its already been compressed 2 times,
do you have any pointers how get my videos as good as your video quality.

We ride Knoxville downtown river/loudon lake On Vols home games because there is a sh*t load of big boats that come thru, heading towards the stadium. On non vol days we ride concord next to the concord marina where they keep 30-60+cruisers, Its like an artificial ocean, non stop big wakes. :)

It's kind of an involved process so I will hit the high points.
There are no easy answers for video. It's a big challenge. I've been doing this as a hobby for years and worked with professionals. You work on video then look up and all of a sudden it's 3AM.

First, I don't own an ATC2000. The guys I ride with give me their memory sticks and I do the rest. I have had problems opening a few of the files in WMM. I think they might have messed with the camera settings. Wrench the ski so you have to play with the camera. :smile:

If you have problems opening it in WMM use Windows Media Encoder download link make a WMV file to get it into a more WMM friendly form. Media encoder eats about anything. Make sure the WMV file has a high bit rate like around 10 mbits. You will have to set up a new profile, etc. You can re-encode but you want to keep the bit rate huge.

You might also want to try using WMM on the original file on another computer.

When you are done editing don't do a send to the web. Do a save to computer. Use other settings and pick "Video for local playback (2.1 MBPS)". That should make YouTube look a bit better.

I have my own web site and can do as I please. I output to DV-AVI then create a 2 mbit Flash Video (FLV) file using the free Riva Encoder. Then I use a free FLV player.

I pay $3.99 a month for web hosting. It's very cheap these days.

If you want more help with video here is a video forum:
I'm not active on them. If you say you are using WMM they might treat you like you ride a 3d. :smile:


thanks darin...noswad!
What you are seeing is what YouTube does to it if you're not careful. Here is some of our gang's ATC2000 video in the surf off the Washington coast that has not been through YouTube:Surf vid

I'm guessing he used Windows MovieMaker since it's included in Windows XP. At the end he chose to output for web. That makes a nice small file size of a couple meg for the web. That is supposed to be the final version that goes on a web site. When YouTube recompresses the video it turns to crap.

What you need to is do a some advanced output settings and output a file that is under the 100meg YouTube limit like maybe 60 or 70 meg. It takes a long time to upload but it looks so much better.
I'm so dizzy now I'm going to go hurl............


Knoxville TN
thanks rasper99 :woot:

Hey jawbreaker, we all are riding till late November (last home game is around 27th i think), we will be there every home game. If you decide to come down to k town let me know & ill give you directions to the ramp where we launch.

Jeff & Jason supi jet guys drive 1.5h one way each weekend to jump the wakes, Its wort it.


I want some of this action, I will be down for the 28th if possible with Jawbreaker and any more of the 615 crowd I can shame into making the trip. Our riding area is good but the cruiser action is spotty at best. We have been lucky the past couple of weeks and had several good ones. It is 2+ hours for us but it sounds like it is worth the trip..:biggthumpup:
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Rick James Edition
Music City, TN
thanks rasper99 :woot:

Hey jawbreaker, we all are riding till late November (last home game is around 27th i think), we will be there every home game. If you decide to come down to k town let me know & ill give you directions to the ramp where we launch.

Jeff & Jason supi jet guys drive 1.5h one way each weekend to jump the wakes, Its wort it.

Sounds good.:Banane35:
We could have up to 8 peeps come up to ride. Dunno if everyone will make the trip...We'll have to see who's a wuss and who's not. So who's down for the trip to K-town?
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Knoxville TN
average boats 50+ feet, wake 3-6 feet if guessing, may be bigger. people on the boats are cheering at us, having fun before the game.


It is not uncommon for us to get 4-6 ft waves with a sweet surf spot off the first wave when one of the 30+ cruisers come through running that perfect speed. It is great when you can get the driver to set the speed that makes the best wake, some guys will set you up for miles and others just ignore you. Lots O fun.
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