Surfriding Lake Michigan, St. Joesph area riders

Working on a superjet, I traded engines with my dad so how I have the jm/blue top end kit for it, I gotta get a carb rebuild kit, and some hydro turf and I have to finish my custom pole then it'll be on the water

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650sx mod

Grand Rapids MI
heck yah I have fliped it behind a boat wake a couple times and can flat water 360 and 180 once i get trim I get trim I should be able to flat water flip you can ride it sometime
Hell yea. I have been trying to find a ski that I can test to really make sure that freestyle oa what I want to get into

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650sx mod

Grand Rapids MI
Eric malone talked me into buying this hull as I still wanted a rideable hull and was looking at the q8. As I ride surf and boat chase and flat Water and Im so glad I went with the roid it acts a like a superjet almost but has the flatwater capability and squrliness of say a WDK or a strictly flat water hull.
That's basicly what I'm looking for, I love riding surf but I also want to be able to do flat water when im at my lakehouse

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